So what have you been pulled over for?

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by WildBill, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    There's this bridge that goes over interstate where I live, the speed limit is 30, and I always just throw it in neutral and coast down and speed up to about 35-40. All depends on how high, the angle ya know.
  2. Mpitera

    Mpitera Well-Known Member

    90 - 55 (Cop was to lazy to get out of the car so called me using the mega phone and laughed at me when I showed him my FD badge)
    1 head light being out (right after I installed my HID's. The Driver side headligth didn't turn on ONCE...I found this out when he pulled me over. I turn off the lights and turn them back up, they worked. Cop said he didn't care, he already stopped me...)
    Been pulled over for slowly going through a red light with my FD lights on...the cop didn't think there was a real call...
  3. 2010_GTS

    2010_GTS Well-Known Member

    easter sunday i got pulled over for doin 110 in an 09 dodge caravan with 5 freinds in it loaded down with lugage. we were goin back to houston from san antonio, i should of gone to jail but all i got was a ticket and the cop but me down for 89 on a 70. talk a bout a lucky break

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    3 speeding tickets :p 1 ticket when I had tinted tailights but that was with 1 of the speeding tickets.
  5. KillzBugzFast

    KillzBugzFast Well-Known Member


    The Hard Lesson for me was back in 10/2008.
    I'm driving my slammed S-10 in a town I wasn't too familiar with so I'm driving 10mph UNDER the speed limit looking for street signs. As I sit at a Red light, a cop pulls up behind me and waits with me for the green. Green comes but so does the BLUE and RED :!:

    Lady cop walks up and says "Registration sticker is old."
    Me: Oh,...I have it still in the envelope, here in the glove box.
    Hand some papers over without looking carefully
    Lady cop: These are old insurance papers. I need the registration and your license.
    Me: Oh, ok.
    Lady cop: And your Valid Insurance card too.
    As I look through the mess in my glove box I notice I don't have the right papers at all. None of it :!:
    Lady cop: Looks like your Inspection is over due too.
    Me: You have GOT to be kidding me! I know I have Insurance just can't find the paper,must be at home. :D
    Lady cop gives me a "window" to return to the dept. with the proper insurance card and have an officer verify inspection. I was given 10 business days

    On the 10th day I show up with paper showing a PASS for inspection, told them I never found that insurance coverage.

    FastForward: I loose my license for 3 months for failure to maintain insurance on a registered vehicle.
    I drive my S-10 to PenDot, hand in my license and plate - and then decided to drive my truck home with out them :!:
    As I'm leaving the parking lot and slow to a stop sign, a cop slows to my right. He waives me to go.

    Me: oh HELL no!
    I waive him to go, but he insists...waives me again.
    Me: Lets pretend that I'm looking for something in my glove box again!
    He finally goes. I make it home.
    FastForward:My truck is now in a friends name and plate and insurance is too.
    I keep driving. Two months into the suspension I get pulled over. SAME TOWN - SAME STYLE LIGHT WORK(green comes with blue and red)

    Me: Can I ask why I am being pulled over?
    Cop: Sure, you have a D.U.I. suspension, why are you still driving?
    Turns out my friend got a D.U.I. on his record and still has a suspended license as well, just never told me.
    Me: Umm, I think you have me confused with the owner of this truck. I'm just borrowing it for a minute.
    Cop: Oh, ok. Do YOU have your license?
    Me: Yeah,...I have it here, in the glove box. :p
    Cop: Whats your name?
    I tell him and he runs it in the system. He comes back and I tell him that i forgot I had my license suspended.
    Cop: Yeah I bet, this truck stays put! It's getting impounded.
    Friend shows up to pick me up and the cop waited for him just to drop a BIG one...
    Cop wanted to press charges on the two of us for insurance fraud.
    Smooth talking from my friend and we get out of that issue. I got a lawyer to drop charges that would have suspended my license for a long time, and

    FastForward: I DRIVE TODAY!
  6. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    nice story.
  7. inkedup

    inkedup Well-Known Member

    65 in a 25, which counted as reckless op.. then the cop got me for no license plate on the front, illegal muffler, illegal mods and driver negligence, and no seatbelt.... stay out of cleveland heights.. 680 for that one.
  8. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Wow. Usually cops don't really care too much about the exhaust, must have been nitpicking at things on your car or something.
  9. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Cop was prolly pissed at him for doin 65 in a 25. Also, cops dont usually car about no license plate in the front here for some reason. They just look at you like your dumb as hell.
  10. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    That too. Lol. I forgot about that part. I would be too. That's a little ridiculous. May I ask why you were going so fast in a 25?
  11. Mpitera

    Mpitera Well-Known Member

    Just got pulled over because my system was "too loud"...Think the cop was just bored. ended up givin me a ticket for my registration that just expired like last week.
  12. inkedup

    inkedup Well-Known Member

    eh, i was behind some dude doin 10 or so, gunned it to pass him and didnt realize i was going so fast until i saw the lights.

    but yeah, this guy kept me on the side of the road for close to a half an hour while he just gave me a ticket for anything i could think of at the time, the cops in that area are notorious for being assholes though, it was stupid on my part.