damn! wish i was good with photoshop then i would know how the Enkei FS-01 rims would look under a lancer ^^ http://www.neweraparts.com/DesktopModul ... PORTALID=0
like i said, ask and you shall recieve... i started adding a few other things randomly, put like a little skoop on the front lip lol... didn't do the other side cuz i did a crappy job ... and did a few other things, but i did a crappy job on most of it, u can tell most is fake, :-\... i usually do a lot better job -_-
WOW i like any way you could photoshop a carbfiber hood on a white gts with the front end all mesh with the emblem were ever you think it looks good...kno what i mean??...with a sharks fin antena if you can see it in what ever pic you use..greatly apreciated mate if you have the time ...if you dont, no worrys
is it me or the first one looks like an evo x rim the pattern anyway. second one is more unique and more uncommon then the first one so 2nd imo?
i'll do it when i get home, just took an exam and i have another exam in less then an hour ... lots of fun today -_- btw, when u say the front end all mesh, do u mean u wanna replace that front part that everyone paints black for a full mesh? hmm... i wonder how that'll look =)... also, the shark fin antena, want it white also, or a CF look to it?
ok, white cars are just too hard to work with, so i just did the mesh and a crappy fake looking CF hood... because the car is white, it's hard to blend a CF image into the hood :-\ since it uses white as it's standard for gloss, and won't put in the image cuz it thinks the white color is just the gloss :-\
btw, i didn't add the logo cuz well, it just doesn't fit in a full mesh front, looks better plain like that @ OP: did u decide on rims?
That's awful (not the photoshoppin, that's awesome) that all grill looks brutal. I can't decide which rims, both of them are seriously sexy, in their own way. too tough
dont get a chrome lip unless your car is black..i think im goin with an all black wheel on my white es..with a white carbon fiber hood n trunk (when that comes out)
ya, the full grill makes it look too... idk, like it's missing something :-\... though i do like the normal grill w/ a blacked out front and chrome trim all around, someone did it and took a picture, i forgot where it's at though ... but i thought the full chrom trim around looked hawt.. go for the first ones
second ones look like cheap crappy rims you can buy at Autozone. If I were you I would go with the black meshies. Edit: after thinkin about it, I don't know if the black will look good on a blue car, but definitely do not pick the second one.
wow i was o wrong on how that front end would look with a mesh front.....ps go for the second rims wayyy more uncomon.....any way you could do a crome front to the white SE with limo tint windows? with http://www.custom-wheels-car-rims.com/S ... ue......if you have time if you dont no worrys ...thanks for the last one saved my ass from a dumb mod lol. thanks bro