Discussion in '8G Lancer - Suspension' started by bras_33, Aug 30, 2007.

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  1. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Evolve, just so you know, I am the only one around here who officially hates RRM. The rest who occasionally question RRM are just posers, but they really have nothing against them.

    I am the true RRM hater :D

    Edit: wait actually there is one other, but if he wants to speak up I will let him on his own.
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    just so you know, it's fine you have a beef with rrm. it really is.

    i just hope you and these so called "posers" don't automatically bash a review just cuz the product is RRM. That's all. im not implying you did.

    im just saying. it's easy to see the hate around here, so this naturally makes me weary of saying good things on their behalf. but then i remember this forum is for dudes who wanna make thier whip faster, handle better, and look good doing it. so that's why i stand by thier stuff.

    no harm, no foul. 8)
  3. 5th

    5th Well-Known Member


    :roll: thats all i have to say
  4. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Evolve, a lot of things happened with RRM and the 08 Lancer community before you came around, and even before this forum came around. Im not going to get into it because if you really cared about seeing the entire story you would research RRM and the 08 Lancer on EvoM, but I know you wont so we can leave it at that.

    The fact alone that you are saying "whip" tells me we are on two different levels when it comes to cars. Ive worked rally events for over 5 years now doing both timing and tech inspection. I know about cars. Not everything, but enough now to know what is what and how it should be done. Way back in the day I was a fucking dolt when it came to parts. I would jump on forums and buy ebay intakes and crap exhausts and "feel it" just like I read on these forums all the time. Luckly, I started being an idiot like that at 16, and because of some paths I crossed I learned very quick. Someday you will learn hopefully that just because RRM posts something on the forums doesnt mean its true. They have said a lot of stuff about the 08 Lancer that turned out to be false. But because they say it at the right time, it just leads to more sales for them. I have talked to EvoM mods about this personally and have found out some of their wrong doings, but because they are a paid EvoM vendor, thats the way it goes.

    One thing you would realize if you read all of my posts regarding RRM products is that I dont come out of the gate bashing their products. I come out of the gate questioning the bullshit they say to promote their product. Do this: go on their website and look at the rear strut bar for the Tiburon. You will find it is the EXACT same description as for our car, and it even says front strut bar for the accent. That alone tells me something about how much they care about things when they just copy and paste shit for each part.

    There is other stuff I have heard from people who personally dealt with RRM and I say this every time: If someone shows that RRM is doing a great job and making quality parts for our car, I will personally apologize to them and delete and retract every single bad post I have ever made relating to them. Has it been done? Nope.

    So keep making your whip look bomb dude. Thats great, it makes you feel good and thats all that matters. I will be spending my money on parts that are useful for what I do with my car, which is rallycross and autocross. The parts that I buy must improve the car or else I might as well run in the stock class and save the cash.

    So please, dont try to give me a lecture that I havent even given RRM a chance. You are assuming a lot of things that you shouldnt be and if you knew what you were talking about you may or may not be a "fan boy."
  5. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    suba,suba,suba,suba :lol: :twisted:
  6. 5th

    5th Well-Known Member

    gatzaraki if you only knew
  7. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    subawho. you literall took my word "whip" seriously?

    wutta clown. you're kidding me.

    car, automobile, ride, give me a break.

    and it's not that i WONT bother reading shit from EVom it's just that nobody here wants to keep me up to speed.

    i shoulda read your long ass response but i didnt.

    only cuz you took one little word like 'whip' and said "were on two different levels"

    lol wutever......
  8. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    aww what did the un-edited message say??????
  9. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    lol wutta douche....

    im on forums all day using different words for everything and you act like 'whip' is some ghetto-word to identify an automobile.

    i bet you take yourself just as seriously on the nets as you do in real life....damn.....
  10. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    talk to me bro :lol: :lol:
  11. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    I dont really take myself seriously :lol: . I make fun of myself all the time actually and I rarely take compliments.

    But what I dont like is an arrogant prick showing me disrespect when he has no right to. Before you start putting words in the mouth of multiple people on this forum you should know what you are talking about.

    I'm not going to sit here and go back and forth with you. From here on out its your decision on whether or not you want to show some respect to other people on this forum who might not like something you do. If you dont want to, thats fine. Just dont expect anything back.
  12. 5th

    5th Well-Known Member

    this kid

    im not going to stoop that low thats why i edit

    i pitty such a mind, no respect twords anything :roll:
  13. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    read up above where i said "no harm, no foul" i had no intention of disrespecting you. UNTIL your sarcasm FILLED comment about me "fixing up my whip". that shit was DRENCHED in sarcasm. and IM the one disprespecting? please. 8)
  14. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    lol never mind i take it back. i found someone else on this boards who takes themselves too seriously. this guy here.

    lol @ "stoop that low" ever argue on the internet, buddy? get's pretty fun until some one says they won't "stoop that low".
  15. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    im telling you. it was YOU being sarcastic at my choice of words. i still wanna meet the guy that sent me the link to this forum and i still owe Bras a beer. there's plenty of respect i've thrown around in this site.

    i don't have to put up with you tryin to be a bully. im sitting here laughing, anyways.

    so serious....
  16. 5th

    5th Well-Known Member


    just go cry to someone

    im glad i dont see you in hacienda
  17. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Beer? yeah BEER!!!!

    Lets squash this here and now. All you guys presented good points at first talking about RRM and now its getting personel. This argument was entertaining and very informative but it has to stop now.
  18. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Dont worry about it, I already took care of it with a PM to Evolve. You wont hear anything more from me.
  19. 5th

    5th Well-Known Member

    power of the mod 8)
  20. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Recognize bee-otches!!!! It was getting a lil ridiculous and high school-ish.
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