Random Thoughts Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    It's alive!!!!!
  2. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

  3. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

  4. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    What does the booze cost so much in strip clubs?? It totally unfair you never have enough to tip decent after getting drinks...:)
  5. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

  6. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    don't like ike
  7. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    what a rough day
  8. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    working sucks, i wish i win the lottery
  9. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    for the first time in a LOOOONG time i'm kinda looking forward to going to work in the morning. Only because there's been major drama/chaos the past week and a half and i wanna see what's developed over the weekend. I may even be working somewhere else by the end of the week ;)
  10. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    :lol: well what is the drama?
  11. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    condensed version:

    we're 4mo's behind schedule

    we've had over 14 people in the past year come to work at, and get fired/quit from my job site.

    the newest sr. project manager for the region was fired after only 2 weeks for making racial comments

    the guy that made the charge against the sr. PM was transfered to another jobsite.

    my subcontractors try to walk off the job on a weekly basis

    the home office is blaming my superintendant for all the problems and had asked him to leave (more in a sec) even though it's them that will not provide us guys in the field with the support/manpower we need.

    the office changed their mind (they needed someone to train the new guy for 2weeks to bring him up to speed on our little hellhole) and offered my supt a demotion, reduction in pay by about $10k/yr, take away his truck and insurance benefits. Needless to say he chunked deuce, lol.

    No one has seen 'the new guy' since monday morn when he said "i'm walking the job to see whats going on out here, then we'll all meet up in the office and talk about whats up with this job" (paraphrased, lol).

    Now i'm curious if anyone is going to show up tomorrow to 'run the job' hahaha.

    Not to mention, i'm throwing my resume out there now.

    I promise! that was the shortest i could make it ;)
  12. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Batman was so tight!
  13. hockygoalie41

    hockygoalie41 Well-Known Member

    i want to be a ufc fighter
  14. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    What if we are living in a dream and we are about to wake up?.......are we the reflection on the mirror?
  15. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    ^ that's kinda like the matrix
  16. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    i think i'm going to put a giant ball pit in my spare bedroom...
  17. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    :lol: my boys would soooo love that if I did it...
  18. olvhec

    olvhec Well-Known Member

    I finally started a Photobucket account and added photos! Just thought I would share the random info,...................................thats all folks.
  19. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I'm trying really hard to be able to afford my car but its so hard when you're pretty much not working...

    I don't wanna sell my baby so I'm hoping my luck changes real soon.
  20. olvhec

    olvhec Well-Known Member

    Im hoping your luck changes for you, that has to suck.