Random Thoughts Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Yeah. It sucks to hit a deer. Deer do work on cars, I can only imagine what kind of work a bear would do on one.
  2. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I've almost hit a deer a couple of times but thankfully the 08 Lancer has wicked brakes... like brakes super quick.
  3. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Lol. The only things I've almost hit were a dog, a possum, and a raccoon. Thankfully nothing large, cuz my car would be ded.
  4. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I've never hit anything living! :D Just some curbs, some snowbanks, a hockey net, and a basketball net... :alien:
  5. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I've hit curbs, like you said, a parked car (i was parking and thought i had enough room, but didn't and bumped their car a little bit :D), and that's it so far. Now watch, next time I drive my car I'm going to get in a wreck.
  6. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I wonder if the disgusted thoughts I'm getting about that car is the same people get when they look at mine... LOL
  7. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    lol, nice car lol
  8. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I MIGHT think about driving that anywhere. Lol. But, hey, whatever you like. If you like people to think that you have a small penis and try to make up for it by putting "Magnum" stickers on your car, then go ahead. Lol. I've been a post whore today. ^^
  9. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member


    Bored today?? My boyfriend has a welding class from 5-8 so I won't be seeing him :(
  10. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    But you still have us? ^^ I r vvH0r3.
  11. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Yes, you guys are my other boyfriend.... ? lmao 8O
  12. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Lol. It's kinda like we're all one big strange and awkward one. Kinda like the Power Rangers when all there zords would combine. Lol.
  13. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Hahahah I used to love Power Rangers.

    Stupid Zordon.... and that dumb robot guy hahaha.
  14. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Zordon wasn't stupid! And Alpha was....well, I was gonna say he was a g, but he really wasn't. Lol.
  15. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Oh! RITA! And the Puddies lmao...and she's like "make my puddies grow!!!" and they'd all be like "blublublublub" omg... haha I'm a loser.
  16. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Lol. I always wondered why they were called Puddies. And, why were they so easy to beat up? I mean....I was like 5 and I coulda beat em up. They just kinda looked at em and they'd be all like "O shit!!!!!" And fly backwards. Lol. That couldn't have been a very good investment on Rita and Zedd's parts.
  17. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Ya I really dunno haha. I barely remember that show.... werent there like two guys who were kinda dirtbags but didn't do anything? haha
  18. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Bulk and Skull. All this Power Ranger talk made me go and start watching all the old ones. Lol.
  19. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Bahahaa weiner... :p

    So I think I've come to the conclusion that no oneis going to buy my car LOL