Random Thoughts Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

  2. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    The pit isn't being jealous... it is showing dominate behavior over him. He isn't providing the right environment for the dog and probably humanizing it... 9 times out of 10 the human is the one who needs training and it sounds like he does. I would really watch behavior like that because next time it might not be another dog but a kid...
  3. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Well she's fine with me being all over him, but when another dog comes near she kinda gets snippy. She was like this with her old owners dog and thats why they got rid of her I believe.

    I dunno what to do... I'm too afraid to say anything to him about it because he gets mad and offended and says there's nothing wrong with his dog she'll learn eventually but I'm afraid she never will...

    My dog should be allowed to come near him if he wants. He thinks as long as I teach my dog to stay away everything will be good.... doesn't seem fair to me. MY dog isn't the one with the issue.
  4. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    How old is the dog?

    There really is nothing you can do or say to him. If he thinks that behavior is okay then that is what he has accepted. Your dog or anyone should be able to approach him without having to worry about getting bit. IMO that is unacceptable behavior and I wouldn't allow any of my dogs to continue doing that. The alpha should be the one to allow or not allow dogs/humans around the pack. The pit should not be the one to choose who allow or not allow dogs/humans near the pack. Until he has accepted that responsibility and acknowledged that is a problem then I would just keep your dog away...
  5. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    She's 2 or 2 and a half...something like that. We were supposed to move in together, this is why I haven't yet...(I just blamed it on finances lol).

    I fear our whole relationship is going to end over this... he wants to get married and such and I can't do it and not live with him until one of our dogs dies... (My dog's only 3).

    So... not sure what to do...
  6. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Well that dog is still only a pup... If you guys are getting that serious I would let him know that you ain't getting married and you ain't brining any kids into the equation until that pitbull is able to accept everyone in the family. I would really hate to see that behavior go into a snapping behavior to kids which IMO can easily go that way.

    It isn't hard to train that dog not to snap at other dogs... just takes him stepping up and becoming the dominate pack leader... right now he isn't...
  7. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Well we never plan on having kids... just dogs... my dog is my baby LOL. As is his to him.

    He wanted me to move into an apartment with him but I can't see tryin to cram the two dogs together like that. I'm too scared to try it. I'd rather wait till we had our own big house where my dog can at least stick by me.

    I have a Golden Retriever and he LOVES attention from everyone. He's probably not gonna learn to leave certain people alone.
  8. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    buy a Great Dane and let him carry the Pit bull around in his mouth
  9. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    ^^^ LOL That'd be pretty funny.

    She's not a vicious dog really... like she's never actually BITTEN another dog (though she's been attacked a couple times) but the snappyness still leaves me weary... what if she someday decides to bite ?

    Prophet you should hook me up with a Rottie some day they seem like they'd be big sucks. I want a dog people will be afraid of haha
  10. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Brutal I love that video lol. They are so confused on how to set up the cars lol.
  11. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    lol... you let me know when you are ready for a rottie and will see what we can do. I have never sold one outside of the US so that would be interesting. I love it when I walk into a Petsmart with one of my rotties and customers are just looking at me like "Ohhh shit there is a rottweiler!' and avoid me all together. I would have a whole aisle to myself lol... Little do they know all of my rottweilers are well socialized and lovable. To kids, other dogs, whatever... They only get into Protection mode when I give them a command lol. It is sooo funny too when I am walking around the neighborhood with two and people will walk across the street so they don't have to walk by me.
  12. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    People here are like that with Reece. Pitbulls are banned here so people automatically assume she's vicious and gonna bite your head off. She loves people, she'll lick ya to death.

    I love big dogs. Rotti's are so beautiful. I'd love to get one... I want people to think I have a dog that will protect me haha my dog never would. Typical Golden Retriever who will welcome any stranger with a wagging tail and tongue all hangin out :p
  13. beard_irish

    beard_irish Well-Known Member

    i agree, someone down the street from me has 3 pitbulls, and everyone in the neighborhood is terrified of them. They are not going to kill you, they just like to bark a lot because they are cooped up inside all day. and speaking of my dog, hes so friendly, if someone were to break in, all they would have to do is pet him and he would let them in. worthless watch dog
  14. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    This was on page 4!? You guys are slacking LOL

    And yeah, I talked to my BF about the situation and he reacted just as I expected... got defensive and angry and said theres nothing wrong with his dog blah blah.

    His solution is to just teach my dog not to come near him when he's petting Reece... yeah... that helps HER problem a lot.... :(

    I'm still afraid of her. I guess I'm just gonna have to keep my distance a little.
  15. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    I told you... as long as he doesn't see it as a problem in his pack then he has accepted that behavior...
  16. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Yeah...well we're barely talking right now... I tried to apologize for angering him but that I had to say how I felt and told him I loved him and all I got back was "I'm not mad" .... It really hurts when someone doesn't say the love you back....

    I dunno what to do anymore.
  17. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    In all honesty it sounds like you guys have more issues then just this. He shouldn't be mad at you wanting to make sure that someone in your family (yourdog) is protected. IMO you really shouldn't have to apologize to him...
  18. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Yeah I dunno , he just gets really offended about his dog. If we can just get the dogs to live together and get over that dominance thing I think it'll be okay.

    The dogs have played fine together, and she spends all day with two other dogs, its just like her "alone time" with him she gets into "back off" mode or something.
  19. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Well I don't really know what to say here... to me there is no shade of grey when it comes to dog behavior... it either is or isn't...

    You don't like the behavior... he does... You see a problem... he doesn't... You want your dog to be protected... he could care less... He wants you to train your dog to stay away from him... you don't think that should be an issue...

    The list of options you have that I can see if you want to live together is...

    1. Crate train your dog. If there are issues where your dog can not learn to keep away from him during his "alone" time with the pit then it is safer for your dog to be in a crate most of the day.
    2. Long downs... when you boyfriend wants his alone time with the pit then teach your dog a long down so your dog doesn't get in the way.
    3. Keep your dog outside or in the garage.
    4. Find your dog a new home...
  20. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    My dog is crate trained, I just say "in your house!" and he'll go in and lay down. Reece goes to work with my bf for 12-15hours a day so Tucker will have plenty of free roaming time.

    I think I'll just have to have my own room so Tucker can sleep with me cuz Reecie likes to sleep on the bed with Jon.

    There's gotta be a way to work it all out right?