You Get What You Pay For.. I just got a Kobra last week. I love it.. works great.. tells me when cops are using radar.. tells me when a fire truck is coming, as well as an ambulance.. even TRAINS. If you wanna go all out check out the "Valentine". BigSteve ps. I think the Valentine BLOCKS radar.. makes it impossible to read the speed your going. My brother told me about another one, I forgot the name but if a cops guns you with his radar.. it tell him that your going like 300 MPH LOL!!! If your doing like 10 over.. it will say like 542 MPH. lol
Hey go to Prescott Valley and you will rethink that statement. LOL! Dude, snails move faster. Besides they have cameras at all stops and trucks that sit on the side of the road that r equipt with all this high tech craziness that just sit there and send u a ticket in the mail. WTF! LOL! Im glad I dont live there. They would give me a ticket cause my graphics are to loud. LOL! My parents do so we take the fam mobile when going.