New Paint Job?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by LuvMyLancer, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Here's my really really crappy photoshop job haha

    But you can get a general idea of what I want ? If someone can do a better job, please do!! :D

  2. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    nice i have bee thinking about a full body wrap as well
  3. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I wonder how much it'll cost. A paint job like that would cost like $5,000. But vinyl is essentially just a big sticker, isn't it? lol
  4. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    ive asked around before, i wanted to get a sunset yellow paintjob and they told me it would cost me like 10k...that would cover ins & outs... considering they specialize in lambos & ferraris...
  5. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is like a big sticker. a body wrap is way less expensive than actually painting it
  6. Rocktight

    Rocktight Active Member

    IMO, the body vinyl looks horrible compared to painting it. Yes you spend more money, but the quality is no comparison. Personally I think you can do pink and something else together way better looking then that car, or more tastefully. Plus is your Lancer white to start with? Because thats what they did, took a white GTS and put pink vinyl on it. Having to do the whole car in But that is just my opinion and thats coming from seeing both and watching my father do custom paint out of his shop. Just a matter of how you want it to turn out.
  7. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Your Canadian you should have both. I serve in our Canadian Forces and we aint the American Machine, but we do our best. Nice paint choice by the way. Be Proud EH!
  8. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I'd love to have it actually painted, but I know there's no way in heck I'll ever have the money for that unless I save up for a few years LOL.

    Plus I figured I'm more than likely not gonna keep the car forever, so if I wanna sell it, not many people are gonna want a pink car, so if it's just vinyl I can take it off and the car will be back to its original blue.

    I got a quote this morning, the guy said a job like that would be $1,700 plus taxes.

    If anyone on here is good at designing and photoshop and can make me a picture of a similar design but on a EB Lancer.... lemme know! My brother said silver graphics would look good on the blue but... I dunno, I just can't see it.