My 09' Lancer Octane Blue with EVO X Projectors + OEM HID's

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by EVOxGTS, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. rwd17

    rwd17 Member

    hey whered you find those headlights and how much they run you... i have an 09 GTS and i can't find those anywheres man.
  2. Keeeent

    Keeeent Well-Known Member

    I heard that the Evo Projectors arent compatible with the 08 GTS
  3. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    hrmmm. does it work with the 09 ES =]?
  4. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    where did you hear this?? as far as i know the 08 and 09 are the why wouldnt they fit the 08??
  5. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    no they fit but the wiring is a little different for the 08. on the 09 it's just a plug and play. i don't remember where i seen this at. i think i will try and find it.
  6. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    yea apparently the 09s have a diffrent harness just incase they get the touring package i guess?
  7. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    you know i wonder when a company will make some. and when they do hopefully it will have halos
  8. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    +1 then they should be like 400-500max instead of 800+ for retro fit or 1000+ for OEM
  9. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    uhmm... what does this have to do with anything? **scratches head**
  10. blkdout1

    blkdout1 Well-Known Member

    where did you buy the head light and how much were they