Just dropped the car off. Ill be picking it up in 3 hours. When I pick it up I will ask about what the price is going to be.
I thought they always did cat-back, but then when I asked if I would get my stock stuff back, he said "yeah we will have it wrapped up in the trunk for you", so....I am thinking it might be axle-back.
yea that 2nd cat is welded. If they went cat-back it'd have to be bolt-on from the first cat after the exhaust manifold. im hoping they will go the same route Injen went. I love my greddy on my v6 3g. Hopefully they hook you up with a whole system. *crosses fingers*
Yeah, I will just be happy either way to drop all of that stock weight in the back. If its just axel-back itll be fine with me since I didnt buy it :lol: Beggars (or donaters in this case) cant be choosers
either way you'll be happy with the output. That damn "tubby muffler" chokes the engine big-time. I bet the can will look nice. 8)
^ heh, I'm In work and checking this thread, lol Someone here says a new mod comes out, were like a bunch of pirahnas after someone put some blood in the water
I assume SRI is short ram intake? Im still not used to all the abbreviations. As I said in another post, I'm kinda new to the engine side of things, as far as the deep technical stuff. I can perform my own maintenance, but when it comes to turbos and stuff like that, I have a lot to learn. If I am correct in my assumption (which I doubt I am), I don't believe I'll be going short and probably get the longer one I've seen from Injen. I live in texas, so the longer one would likely give me much colder air coming through with the filter right where the air is meeting the bumper. If I'm completely wrong, I'm sure I just sounded like a moron, but I'm sure I answered another question. :?: :?: 8O edit: Just read another post...apparently im not all stupid. Hah.
Just picked the car up, back at work now. I will post pics and a video tonight. Here is what I can tell you: The receipt I got had an invoice cost of just over $400. It is axel-back. It is extremely quiet and very low toned. It looks purtty. Anyways, tonight I will post pics/video.
If you really want, I think I can take off the little tip on my exhaust and you can have that. Or if you really just want the whole thing, Ill take your ES one
Stock piping is already a decent size, so changing it would do little if any increase in performance. Now if you wanted to remove the Cat., thats a different story.
Sometimes I wonder if people on this board actually read posts :roll: As I said above: I am at work right now. I will post pictures tonight. From right at the moment as I post this, add 4 hours to the time, and I can assure you, the pics will be here.