you know what's sad.. 1)the original poster still hasn't received his answer. 2) that you guys would actually want a woosh sound from your CAI 3) that you spent $345 for a CAI that does nothing 4) you needed PHOTOS of a BLOW OFF VALVE because you didn't know what it was. 5)you haven't realized that no matter if you buy the RRM headers, intake, exhaust, CAI, or any basic mod for your car that you've spent close to $1,000 for, you're call will still be outrunned by a Sienna. We drive economy cars, deal with it.
i'll give you that i'll give you that one too lol vs someone w/ just a CAI vs your car bone stock, let me know who won we knew what it was (at least most of us) there was just a confusion if you actually read, got mixed up between BoV and Bypass Valve well, it is a V6 w/ about 110+ HP and torque more compared to a 4 cylinder... then like i said before, if you don't like people modding their cars, stfu or gtfo...
totalmajor wrote: We drive economy cars, deal with it. ok so leme get this strait your not into modding econo cars yet your on a how to mod your econo car forum... im sorry your an idiot, realy i am to bad you cant even blame your parents for this one jk but seriously if your gonna bitch about exactly whta this site is focused on why waste your time and hours and prophets web space by adding useless commentary...? jw
ya, i already flamed totalmajor about this all, but the whole subject got totally off topic and became i think 4 pages of spam flaming and anything else you can think of... i think u wrote in that thread too ... but it all got snipped away and put into off topic :-\ ya ur right i should lol... but i just deal w/ it =)... if prophet reads this and wants to correct it for me, that'd be cool =)