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Here is the info for tomorrows meet: We are meeting at the McDonalds off of the 15 freeway at NOON to eat lunch and get gas. Mcdonalds...
And I must say this thing is pretty sweet. I loaded all of my rally videos onto it, and I get unlimited internet usage on it. I got google maps... ... &z=10&om=1 That intersection is just beyond the Lakebed. Aerial image it and you can see the...
Yes....we are having a meet on the 29th.... This is the AFTER Yep. So I will be out at the lakebed in Apple Valley. Take the 15... ... ecord.html Looks like something out of DiRT :lol:
So the intake they designed on my car lit the CEL on Polar's car when they had his. They need another Lancer in there. Someone get theirs in! They... I wonder if this guy actually knows what a drift is.... :roll:
So today was supposed to be a rallycross out in the desert. Last night as I am driving to Nevada, it starts pouring rain. By the time I am in...
I would trade my Lancer in for this bad boy! ... 2411367609 Anyone gonna come with me? :D Very awesome site! Just found it tonight 8) I know its kinda late in the season, but anyone interested in heading to one? Get some practice in before...
The other one was too crowded :lol: Anyways, Ill be up there this coming Thursday evening. I will be at In n Out on Lone Hill at 7pm.... "I honestly believe that in certain parts of America now, people have started to mate with...
Its recent, but I just love the music and the action of this one. Fernischumi makes the best youtube coverage videos for the WRC in my opinion.
^i do hate drl,but how tha f__k he cleared that turn,in your avatar+ Here is the video it is from:...
Jean NV. 7:30 am registration. I will be there. If anyone would like to come they can crash in my hotel...
So next weekend I will be in Nevada competing in a rallycross. So this weekend I decided I would go out and practice. Get a feel for what I can... ... 461339.ece This was the guy helping bring rallying to the U.S. Im sure you guys saw him on ESPN at...