Separate names with a comma.
It's already released over here :) It's been out for like 3-4 days lol.
Wow Luv you're pulling ahead lol.
I personally like the last one Tenzo or something.
Apparently the tail lights are a different plastic than the headlights and you shouldn't cook them. Never tried it but I've heard it's not a good...
That home depot lip actually doesn't look terrible. I think it needs the middle but it looks pretty good.
Lol ahmen to that. Everybody keeps saying I'll make so much more money and be so much more happy but I'm just not seein it yet.
Damn that's pretty good. I like how it looks with the LED city lights.
Feel like throwing out any other names? Lol
The one from Mitsubishi Parts is thinner on one side so it does face more forward than sideways. Not sure on the part # though.
Lmao I love that sticker. "Objects in the mirror are losing."
Lol one problem... I'm pretty sure killing tigers is pretty illegal. Waiting for class is the worst.. Just sitting here doing nothing.
Assassins Creed 2 in a week or two. I'm working on getting all the achievements for GTA 4 lol. Hopefully getting Ballad of Gay Tony soon.
I think that'd look good on silver
Quick kinda off topic question, where did you get your headlights and what kelvin are they?
Go with Mitsuparts. It's going to be cheapest and easiest. RRM sells one for $60 and ARS Bodykits on sells one for the same price...
Well the lattice is thin enough that the purple isn't TOO prominent but you'd have to have purple accents throughout other parts of the car. And I...
Lmao I don't have a problem with it. You guys seem to be the most noticable people on the board because there's always a mod posting at least once...
Yeah I understand. Thanks for the promo code though. I'm sure people will appreciate that :)
Don't really want my babies to be inside this girl.. not my type.
Yeah looks like my top 3 picks are the top 3 most voted for lol. Only reason I didn't pick dizzle is I'm not a huge fan of the rims and redline1 I...