Separate names with a comma.
Look at my car how sexy it was funny the guy are they fast???? Yeah they're fasssssssssssssst lol we need to race and take video
LancerGTS and I went driving around today !!!!! fun stuff! here some pictures he is mad at me :( [ATTACH] [ATTACH] :roll:
8) Hey im IN!!!!!!!!!!! where in altamonte!
God guys I live in central florida and I've seen nice lancers around here lets meet up somewhere come on!!!!!!
I live in florida I pay 234 and I am 20 sucks but you know what can we do lol
In my case I took it out its really simple
Nice !!!!! congrats!!!!!!!! Enjoy! it!
:o Nice !!! enjoy man! go tint that bitch!
Finally I got my windows tinted 15% all around what you guys think ??? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] 8) :lol: :twisted:
:) In florida I think is like 35% I wanna get 15 :( but I dont wanna get pulled over
Tomorrow Im tinting my windows!!!!!!! what percent should I get?! 8O