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  1. blueking_4
  2. blueking_4
  3. blueking_4
  4. blueking_4
  5. blueking_4
  6. blueking_4
  7. rahim6
    Tein S tech Springs
  8. mangnok
  9. eddietaylor09
    web design

    non voice projects
  10. BlueDevilLancer
    BlueDevilLancer jleasweet
    welcome to LT, since you're in VA, you should check out the lancer meet in VA beach next weekend!
  11. Helix
    Well deleting stuff works lol.
  12. blueking_4
    blueking_4 03 ES GUY
    yeah i had the droid x as well...i bought this one off ebay :updown:
  13. blueking_4
    blueking_4 03 ES GUY
    it's amazing! the only things that i'm having a dislike for is the random restarts and low battery life...
    for the battery problem, i just bought the extended life battery today and installed her.
    for the freezing, once i am eligible for the Android OS 2.3 push, it should stop.

    how about you?
  14. BlueDevilLancer
    BlueDevilLancer hyperlite662
    hey, i know it's last minute but would you be interested in going to the big meet later this month? i'm looking for a group of us from CT/RI to cruise down to VA beach
  15. Sinestra
    Sinestra Patriot Vinyls
    Look on the bottom of the page and click contact us and then check the vendor option
  16. Sinestra
    Sinestra Patriot Vinyls
    No problem ill have Alex look into it
  17. Patriot Vinyls
    Patriot Vinyls Sinestra
    Hello, its Sergio from Patriot Vinyls (extremevinyls). I signed up but did not see anything about vendors. Let me know if I have to do something different. Thanks.
  18. JDMhammer
    JDMhammer xhntrgrlx
    Any time we are all more then happy to help anyone.
  19. xhntrgrlx
    xhntrgrlx JDMhammer
    Haha I love my new little lancer and I'm sure i'll be needing more help as I mod it =]
  20. JDMhammer
    JDMhammer xhntrgrlx
    Girls do exist!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O

    Welcome to lancertuners we hope to see you around the forums!