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  1. nicolexann
    nicolexann blueking_4
    awe, I just saw this- thank you!
  2. Chris Deschamps
    Chris Deschamps
    They are Actually dark blue. I used Spray paint and masked the parts i did not want paint on.
  3. infamousgook
    infamousgook Chris Deschamps
    hi i see that your picture has very black plastic engine components, how did you do that?
  4. blueking_4
    blueking_4 nicolexann
    Happy Birthday!
  5. infamousgook
    Hello my name is Jeffrey :) and I love my Lancer!
  6. PhillyGTS
    NLmotoring Says May 12th on their website then they take down that banner..........????
  7. Silverbulletviii
    hello ppl im new feel free to friend me.
  8. moosemeister
    No problem. gotta spread the love!
    Whats up my Lancer friends... just started wanting to mod my 2011 Lancer Es.. I have a few ideas but need a lil more. Unfortunalty my lancer is an auto so i know i cant do a whole lot but i can try.. any suggestions
  10. evilstig4b1
    evilstig4b1 nicolexann
    wass happeniiin'?! :)
  11. evilstig4b1
  12. chozmoGTS
    chozmoGTS moosemeister
    thanks for the comment! i really appreciate that!
  13. chozmoGTS
    im glad someone notices besides me lol i know its different but thats why i like it! im out of money for any other mods till next years just drops over 2 grand ugading to top-of-the-line audio setup! lol so im down for the count for a while
  14. Helix
    Helix chozmoGTS
    Not a problem, man! Your car looks great. You obviously put a lot of work into it and it came out looking really clean and REALLY mean.
  15. chozmoGTS
    chozmoGTS Helix
    hey thanks for backing my car up man!:) i get a lot of hate for that for some reason. just wanted something different that still looked good
  16. baetz5190
    baetz5190 lancer2quick
    Hey bro, finally replied, i've been on postdeployment and up to other stuff...drinking mostly, haven't had time to get around to workin' on the SRI problem yet, my questions are in the post if you could throw me some help.
  17. tchatch2010
    tchatch2010 vmo91
    looking for 18inch gts alloy rims......if if you still selling rims hit me up at
  18. tchatch2010
    tchatch2010 underdog
    are you still selling your gts powdercoated rims...if yes please hit me up tchatch2010@yahoo.com
  19. tchatch2010
    looking for 18inch gts alloy rims......if anyone selling them please hit me up
  20. xXx2010GTSxXx
    xXx2010GTSxXx Sinestra
    Sick car the gts? In graphite grey that's what I got