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  1. xhntrgrlx
    Finally got the headunit in :)
  2. BlueDevilLancer
    BlueDevilLancer b3ast
    yo hit me up on facebook: Scott Chiang
  3. glopez
    for sale oz rally 2003 5000 OBO
  4. y2ray7697
    y2ray7697 WhiteAfrikan
    I actually made the basge myself...I ordered the letters online and then glued them to the back of an old NO PARKING sign I had laying around...cut it out to the shape to match the grille and then used some loc-tite double sided adhesive tape to stick it on...never had it fall off!
  5. glopez
    selling the oz rally 6000 firm !!!!!
    call or text 6303443324
  6. 03 ES GUY
    03 ES GUY 2k8 ES
    Hey man,

    Thought I'd shout out to you and see if you'd wanna meet up with me and some friends of mine and show and shine our cars
  7. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru mas50cal
    Dang beat me to it! LOL Happy Birthday!!!! :)
  8. JDMhammer
    JDMhammer mas50cal
    Happy birthday mas50cal!
  9. glopez
    hey i just recently bought a 2003 lancer oz rally and i was wondering if any of you could give me some ideas on what to do to the car to soop it up. thanks
  10. Homie
    Homie Mpitera
    Hey I'm still interested in those rims!!! I found out that both my rims are slightly bent so I could really use them!
  11. Homie
    Hey I'm still interested!
  12. Mpitera
    Mpitera Homie
    Yeah no prob bro. The Rims are at my rents out so I'll check them out tomorrow morning before work and let you know everything. I've been busy so I haven't had a chance to check em out.
  13. Homie
    Homie Mpitera
    Hey let me know about those rims. Dude on ebay is dicking me around. I really only need two but I can understand you wanting to get rid of the complete set. Let me know something because I'm very interested, my car shakes alittle when I hit 60 so I think I bent the rim slightly. So I'm very interested!!!

  14. timschoeliertm
    timschoeliertm shieldwolf342
    seen your car at the buffet star last night, lookin good
  15. Tomahawk
    Hi I'm a 30yr old soil relocation engineer from Willowick Ohio. I recently bought a brand new 2010 Lancer Ralliart and I'm totally stoked to be driving this machine, it's everything Iv'e ever wanted in a car!
  16. Evilution
  17. JDMhammer
    JDMhammer Jogenmaru
    Happy birthday dude!
  18. TheDude
    TheDude Jogenmaru
    LOL Thanks man. Quite frankly, i wish my birthday didnt hit. Had a horrible day, and tday, i got in an accident.
  19. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru TheDude
    You are now my age sir! HAPPY BDAY! Although I will be 24 on thursday! :D
  20. Georgia boy
    Georgia boy
    Workin' on some motor mounts