well man at the time i got my lancer(April of 07),i still had 2 tickets,and a claim under a 1000 on my record,so it was high at first like $275 a month,plus my car payment too.Plus I dont want a high car payment since Ill be having a mortgage payment undere my name soon.Heres a little quote my dad said to me,"you cant live in your car."
damnit...now I need to find a new place to live..thanks a lot man..ruined everything for me...lol jk makes sense though...
So true. I myself am getting my first house on the first of April. I came back from this gulf trip with over 17000 tax free dollars. I could have every add on out there but we cant live in our Lancer. Well i could lol. But once the initial costs are done watch out.
25 in our dreams it will creep up to 26.....27..... sun&sound 28.5......and then they will be popular, soooooo 3k markup? 30K? id rather get a used EVO......RA is great car tho!!!
I got the spoiler from accolade. The spoiler fits in one of the holes, and you gave to drill another one. If you look you can see where it will go. Here are some better pics.