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WTT Trunk with small wing for Wingless Trunk

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Hella, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. Hella

    Hella Member

    LOL omg just omg. My how quickly the defenseless resort to violence lol. And i never claimed to be the fastest I know for damn sure that there are people out there that are faster than me and I know some of them will be civic hell I lost to a 2000 Civic in my 06 Evo. But I have respect for those that can do that with a car. To make a civic faster than an evo is awesome. But my battle isnt with them its with you. And I think that if your going to make your car look fast you should have something to back it up. Jus like your mouth is doing right now. Do I care what fighting style you have? No. Am I scared ? No. We have learned one thing from your display though. Its that you had no where else to go. You knew I was right. And you were backed into a corner, and snaped like a dog does, because your tail was tucked between your legs and humbled with words. So lash out and feel like a bad ass. Like I said you were a joke and you continue to make me laugh. Oh and what are you talking about you bought your lancer before ther evo came out lol they were relased at the same time. Nice try. I owned an Evo before you had you Lancer. Bought my first in 06 :p
  2. Hella

    Hella Member

    PS Looking forward to your next outburst :D
  3. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    LMAO, oh now you want to not talk about mopping the floor with me now......LMAO, you make me laugh homie, you one of those fools that talk alot and not back anything up. LMAO, you and your thinking of backing me in a corner like a dog, LMAO.....you have some imagination, just come to LA homie and say whatever you think your going to be able to say in my face. like i said i dont back down from any fight, but it makes me laugh how quik you are to back out now, especially when you thought you were tough talking about how you would mop the floor with me, LMAO, you must have short man syndrome! LMAO. and then you talk about paying attention to what i read, i specified that i bought my lancer before the EVO x came out stupid, cuz i didnt want the 9, you fucking idiot. so pay the fuck attention! and yeah prey to your god cuz if i get my hands on you, you might not wake back up!

    enough said, i rather beat your ass than talk on here now.
    so come see me in LA
  4. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    fuck it, where you at homie, ill come to you and beat your ass in your own city!
  5. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    p.s if you knew anything about your fake ass evo that you dont have, you would know its a 4B11T dumb ass!
  6. Hella

    Hella Member

    LOL omgrofl. Go take your meds. Maybe lie down for a bit. Oh and your right Im so dumb I forgot to include the T in 4B11 however if you want to be correct it is 4B11 T/C. The engine code is 4B11 and T/C stands for ............... you guessed it turbo charged. This is an indicator that the motor is turboed but the motor is a 4B11.
  7. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    yeah just like i thought, you all pussy. all talk. its funny how little guys like you like to run their mouths but when its time to step up they run off like raoches. so whenever you want to man up and talk shit in my face, come to la or let me know where you be at homie and ill be glad to come through and shut your little ass up.

    and motor is electric you fucken idiot, you mean engine code. man your the biggest idiot ever, maybe you should have went to school instead of the military you fucken retard
  8. Hella

    Hella Member

    lol this is a waste of time. Whatever man your good at acting tough as we can see but im done with this little game. Remember though how the mighty fall.
  9. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    like i said, your all pussy. ill show you whats up when i see you.
  10. Frankiago

    Frankiago Active Member

    I can't believe I read almost half of this... lol Nemo you sound full retard. Hella, you're almost as bad for continuing this over the course of three days and for almost three hours on the last day.

    Let me also point out that Mitsubishi has never made a USDM car with the trunk you're looking for. Since you do not have the SSS package, you do not have the hole for the FAST key button. The only cars with compatible wingless trunks are: Lancer DE, Lancer ES and Lancer Evolution X MR Touring. The first one does not have the FAST key option whatsoever, the ES has an option of having the FAST key, and the Touring is standard with the FAST key. The whole point I'm trying to make is that the DE and ES are not available in Phantom Black, so the trunk you're looking to trade with literally does not exist.

    I gave up on looking for a wingless trunk trade (it'd have to be an '09 or '10 OB Lancer ES with the FAST key option, which isn't all that common), so I bought a brand new MR Touring trunk (wingless, yet has the FAST key hole) and looking for a shop to paint it right now. You should just buy a plain OEM trunk, paint it, and then sell the spoiler for $40 and trunk for maybe $200.
  11. LancerRA09

    LancerRA09 Well-Known Member

    I still dont see how a GTS is gonna beat a X in a car show. Give me the X and I'll smoke all your ass' in a car show.
  12. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    your retarded, im not the one who wants to trade idiot. i told this fool no one is going to want to trade with him.
  13. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    its called someone who knows how to fix up a car better than the next person. and "give you" lmao, sorry homie you gotta buy your own shit and compete and my car looks alot better than alot of evo's out there, shit my car looked better before the evo's came out!
  14. Frankiago

    Frankiago Active Member

    Jeez here you go again. I never said you want to trade anything, I just said you're retarded. You get extremely defensive and your posting contributes nothing. Your Lancer is nothing compared to a stock Evo. I don't care how many tens of thousands you spend on an RRM turbo kit, wide body kit, STOCK EVO PARTS (hood, fenders, etc), you'll never have anything worth a stock, base model Evo. Get over yourself and admit your economy car will never stack up to a performance car.

    I can go on and on about how dumb you are to believe anything that comes out of your own mouth, or anything you type with your own fingers, but I will just leave it at that and wait until you try to come back with another idiotic remark about how you're going to beat my ass, about how your economy car wins car shows, or about how your economy car is faster than a stock Evo 10.

    Bottom line is I contributed to this thread and you didn't. The OP will never find the trunk he's looking for in PB so he's forced to fill holes and repaint or buy a brand new trunk and have it painted.
  15. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    first of all your the idiot for thinking you cant build a car better than a stock car, now thats just plain out stupid and your only making yourself look and sound even as stupid as you look.

    two, we are on the same page on the OP and him not being able to find a wingless trunk or anyone who would want to trade trunks.

    three, ive been on this forum just about since it started and have posted many posts with very helpfull information. so know who your talking to before you jump out of the mouth and talk shit.

    oh and 4, yeah im down to beat your ass if you want. i need the training!.....LMAO
  16. Frankiago

    Frankiago Active Member

    So I'm an idiot for thinking a Lancer DE/ES/GTS cannot be built to compete with an Evo X? Right... There's some cars you cannot build better than some stock cars. No matter how much money you put into your Lancer GTS you won't compete with a Koenigsegg CCXR. A Lancer Evolution X GSR can be built up to be a WHOLE LOT better than a stock Lancer Evolution X GSR, but the economy version you riced out? No way can it beat a plain Evo X GSR with ONLY a tune. It won't even look better, just let all of that sink into that thick skull of yours and maybe you'll get over yourself.

    We are not on the same page whatsoever. You had no idea that the trunk wasn't even available. I never said he couldn't find someone to trade a wingless trunk for one with a wing, that's very doable. The only problem is that paint would be needed on both ends. If he had a paint that matched the econobox Lancer paint then he could easily find someone to swap. Rally Red is a very good candidate for swap.

    I don't care how long you've been a member here, your mentality is shit and you did nothing to help here. Your spelling and grammar both suck, yet you continue to call others stupid/dumb/idiots.

    Lastly, I'm not scared of an eThug. Come beat my ass, I can meet you at O'Hare or Midway airports.
  17. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    1.yes you are an idiot for thinking you cant build any car to compete with any other car. how do you think the evo came along??? did you think they buit the evo and then said "hey lets build something that more economical"???....LMAO, the evo is built from a baseline lancer you dumb fuck!

    2. everything you just said i told this fool you fucking idiot

    3. so what are you going to do about it dick head? yeah didnt think your going to do shit!!!

    4. im not waisting my time or money to go beat your house in some hick town. you got the big mouth and want to start calling out people, some come to LA and watch this ethug beat your ass like a real GRACIE-BARRA blue belt will do!!! so come see me at my gym homie and ill put down the beating of your life. i swear you give me the chance and your not going home with your shoulder!!!
  18. Frankiago

    Frankiago Active Member

    Here's that mentality that a base model econo-box Lancer can ever compete with a high end exotic. Yeah buddy, your car is a performance machine! :thumbleft:
    No... you really didn't. Unless you go back and edit your posts to include info that I provided, you made no mention of the fact that they never made this trunk. You just kept going on and on about stupid shit like:
    You somehow think somebody would rather BUY A SPOILER, then DRILL THEIR TRUNK to put the spoiler they bought on, INSTEAD of just doing a straight swap involving no cash, trunk with spoiler already installed for trunk without spoiler. You just kept going on and on about how stupid you thought that idea was and suggested he get a carbon fiber trunk like your ricer ass did. Let me guess, Seibon?

    Seriously... I guess I shouldn't continue to "waist" my time trying to educate you from inside the house you're going to "beat," which is located in "hick town" Chicago, IL. Yes, I have THE big mouth. There's only one, and I have it. Some do in fact come to LA, congratulations. I was just in LA a few months ago, picking up an Evo. Maybe you'll get yourself an Evo for the mid-life crisis that's just around the corner for you? Or maybe you'll just buy a Ralliart and think it's the same as an Evo. Who needs suspension and brakes anyways, right? As long as you can get the flared fenders, hood, front and rear bumpers and the twin-scroll turbo off of an Evo, it's all the same huh?
  19. stalrev

    stalrev Well-Known Member

    back in the front of this post i saw mention of getting a CF Trunk, Do yall really like the CF trunks. the reason i ask is i thought about getting one, but after a season of car shows and seeing how some of the CF fades on the hoods and trunks, i decided not to go that route, Have yall seen this the way CF sorta fades, or is it the way they are keeping the car?

  20. Frankiago

    Frankiago Active Member

    stalrev, normally carbon fiber parts fade easily in the sun. The epoxy used on them is supposed to be UV protectant, but that usually just extends the life of the carbon fiber and it eventually fades if stored in the sun day in, day out.

    What many suggest is rockin the cf look until it fades. Different companies have different materials and some last longer than others. I've heard of a Seibon product lasting a few months in the sun before starting to show signs of fading, and I've heard of some thick-epoxy products lasting a few years before fading.

    After it starts to fade you can then paint it, and now you have a light-weight version of the same trunk you had originally.

    One other route you can go is to get it painted with the OEM color, except with clear mixed in. The result is the red finish but up close you can see the weave underneath. That's also a whole lot more resistant to sun-fading than just the clear epoxy the trunk comes with.

    There's a $2-3 million car called the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita, only three went into production. They embedded diamond dust into the carbon fiber's epoxy and the result is a silver car from far away, but when you get up close you can see the carbon fiber weave and it's an amazing look.