The Dude's End =(

Discussion in 'Members Progress Reports' started by TheDude, Jul 1, 2008.

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  1. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    damn yea i heard bout the surgery
    u gonna be good for friday bro?
    i wanna see ur damn car already lol
  2. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Iuno Tom, honestly, i want to go but there are a few things stopping me:
    1. i feeling like a largest pile of shit created on earth.
    2. My kit isnt complete, wouldnt want you guys to see me half dressed.
    and 3. i repeat #1 cuz i feel horrible. Now im having stomach problems due to my pain killers. eww..

    Anywho, speaking of the kit, ill have hopefully my front bumper done this saturday, and hopefully the side skirts as well.
  3. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    your car looks really good for the pics I saw. As your car get's better do the same on you and take a break, the result will surprise you.
  4. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    bro we dont mind you being half-dressed
    tehnically with all stock body-kits were all naked so you still have an upperhand lol =P
  5. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    not on yet??? any pics!!!! we pic hungry... LOL nice looking lancer man!!!!
  6. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    LOL im calling my painter as we speak, (and FLOW too lol)

    My rear is already on, if you didnt noticed lol. But yea hoepfully today i can install the front, if not tomorow.
  7. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    luving your rear man... (car that is..) but you know how hungry we are when it comes to pics and mods... LOL... is that the same material as the OEM....??? and... how much did it cost to get it? From?

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Yeah Carlos can't make it tonight and I don't think I will come to since it's thundering/raining!
  9. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    The material used for the body kit was duraflex, very good shit. the company that made the kit was extreme dimensions, but i bought it from (you guys are the shizle!) Check the body kit price on there, 750, not inlcuding shipping (150). Paint/instal will run me... get this... 500 :)

    Im not a great photographer so i dont feel like im doing justice to my car, but i promise you, as soon as i get my front on, you will see great quality pics. Hopefully youll see it by saturday (cross yer fingers!)

    And yes this storm has basically transformed my car into a mobile swimming pool, so im trying to avoid all streets as much as possible.
  10. GTS_Lancer

    GTS_Lancer Well-Known Member

    Nice ride. Did you ever think about having your windows tinted to chrome instead of the limo tints? Also did you install the remote start yourself or did you get someone to do it for you? But so far your car looks good, keep us posted with pics!
  11. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

    looks good, i like the dual exhaust, i cant wait to see the new pics
  12. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    Sweet kit, can't wait to see the end product!
  13. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    So i attempted to put on my front bumper and guess what???


    There were so many parts of the bumper that wouldnt fit correctly to be done by any 1 person. Major surgery needed for it. So, heres the plan: Call ED, try to get another one (which i doubt will happen), then send the new or old one to the shop were my friend works to see if maybe they can save me. I swear my luck is just amazing. Sorry guys. No front bumper for a bit.... again.
  14. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    sorry to hear that.. man... hope everything turns out well... I was dying.. to see it... just keep us posted...
  15. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Thanks man... wanna hear some irony?

    Yesterday, after going home with my chin down from failing on the bumper, some guy in a camry started trying to race me.... a camry... seeign as how i was pissed beyond explanation, i took my anger out on the street. We went for like 4 miles back and forth with eachother in traffic.When we get to a traffic light, i noticed he slowed down, pulled next to me and started rollnig down his window. Now, in Miami, that can mean 2 things, 1: hes a cop going to warn you or stop you, or 2: hes some crazy nut who is pissed at something you didnt do and will probably shoot you (yes this has happened). Well, my curiosity sprung, and i pulled next to him. He lifted his had, and gave me a thumbs up. I pulled my window down and he started complimenting me on the work ive done to the car (obviously the rear, cuz he count see my system or intake). I got soo mad lol i told him it would be even better had i not screwed up my front.
  16. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    LOL.... same thing happened to a friend... he bought the 08 camry... and he was with his girl on the car... a charger started to rev his engine next to him.... so he wanted to show off ... to the girl.. and started to race the charger.... aparently... and obviously the charger let him go up front... then next thing he saw the charger turn the lights on... he was a cop... LOL... he got a ticket... if it was me on his position... I would argued it... saying that I felt my life was been threaten... and that was why I tried to get away from that sicko... LOL... but you know.. that would of be me...

    PS... he did not get any compliments on his rear... LOL...
  17. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Yea i wanted to make a post abotu cops using chargers now. Thats their new undercovers. ITs not the first time ive seen/experienced that. I think its sad that they allow cops to provoke you into commiting a crime, even if its just racing liek that. they also give tickets for people reving their engines as well. Shit aint right.
  18. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    I completely blew this off lol soz. Yea im not fond of chrome tint, and neither are the cops in Miami. Mine still attract attention, however. As to the remote start, i have the same answer to most of my other mods. If it can cause a serious problem to my car, i let a professional do it. That way, i can kick his ass and not mine for screwing up. Hopefully you guys will be satisfied this saturday "hint hint".
  19. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    u coming in friday?
  20. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Doubt it, Tom. Got a lot of stuff planned. I got school/work/ home alone lol.

    Parents gonig to orlando, and im staying home. So, friday will be work and school and shit, saturday, lets say my car has plans. i might show up to the bbq. ill be calling ahead.
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