Taillight Customization...

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by vik2rius, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    hey guys...
    ive actually completed this project a long time ago...the oven wasnt a success so i went with dremmel...it wasnt pricey as i had expected only cost me $100 and 2 day-off to complete the project...

    there is NO fogging-up issue...when i used the dremel to separate the casing from the housing...I snapped it back with a super glue and a sealant...

    the good thing about it doing all of these was i could customize my tail to whatever i want including installing LEDs, all i do is de-glue the taillight and install some LEDs...