Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by dsf3g, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Finally got around to installing the antenna yesterday. It wasn't too bad. Just take your time marking down its positioning accurately, then putting down the masking tape. Rest of it was pretty quick. Some pics I took today.





  2. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    is your car a GTS with the bigger base for the antenna. I was told that it wouldnt work
  3. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    No I dont think so. My car didnt come with the Sirius satellite radio. So its probably the smaller base. But yes this antenna probably wont work if you got the later versions, with the bigger base. I think they only introduced those in Canada late 2007. I bought mine in summer 2007.
  4. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    ok thanks for the info. I would like to get a fin but im not sure how i can do it yet
  5. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Post a pic of your antenna base, lets see what you got. You can always email Visual Garage (the antenna guys) and they'll help you out too.

    BLACK-GTS Member

    oops i need to cancel my order bucause my car have sirius and the base is bigger i did not that the lancer have diferent zise of antenna, does any body have any upday about this .... thanks
  7. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    Heres the base with Sirius
  8. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    I think some of the fins that ive seen on some BMW's are much larger but i dont think thats the answer. i may just have to do some custom stuff and take the sirius base off. Since I dont use my sirius anymore, i wonder if i can put the stock DE or ES antenna base on. Anyone have any ideas??

    BLACK-GTS Member

    so did somebody tried to install the shark antenna on a lancer with sirius ??? i just cancel my order because i was told that it no gonna fit can somebody comfirm that please ;;; i have sirius an my base is bigger... :(
  10. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    The issue with my non-Sirius antenna was the height. It was pushing up against the inside of the fin. But for you Siruis guys that wont be a problem.

    The only problem I can see is width. So if anyone wants to measure the width of their base, I can check if it will fit within the dimensions of the fin. :)