Ricers Spotted Thread

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by 1slowlance, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

  2. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if this thread had just died out. I forgot all about it. I haven't been able to get any ricer pics lately. I've been kinda busy, but I'll be driving a few places today, so I'll be on the lookout.
  3. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Yeah I hadn't seen this thread in a while lol. Kinda miss it... I'm heading back to my hometown on Tuesday so I'll be looking out too.
  4. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Saw this bad boy outside of Best Buy a while back.
  5. C-lo

    C-lo Well-Known Member

    my friend calls these hoopty isntead or ricer :p
  6. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Lol I think their kinda the same. What rice about the neon/SRT?

    That blue car (honda I think...) is pretty crazy. Don't know if I'd call it rice but it definitely doesn't look good.
  7. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    It was a Honda Accord. I really don't like altezza chrome tail lights.
  8. C-lo

    C-lo Well-Known Member

    the thing is, its an ES, and all that was changed was the outside, performance-wise it was stock ES
  9. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    I have seen a Sentra in a parking lot on my way home from work...I have got to get a pic of it to show you guys...I almost pissed myself I laughed so hard...
  10. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    I haven't been able to get any pics of ricers recently. They only come out at night it seems..
  11. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    havent been seeing much lately either. They must of found out about this thread
  12. C-lo

    C-lo Well-Known Member

    so i saw this parked right next to me today as i was getting out of class. (and btw the asian is my friend AKA chinito) lol
    the famous almost-faded "V-tec" sticekr was present
    the "turbo" sticker was also present, and it made an elegant appearence, WITH blue crooked lines under the sticker
    and last but not least the awesome and luxurious "tinkerbell" purple seat...
    this person sure has a taste...and btw, there are pictures i can't put up because of horrible quality from my cell, but let me just tell yuo it was hilarious lol
  13. mhmayhem88

    mhmayhem88 Well-Known Member

    Ricers just kill me...there's one around here that I see every so often. Half of the car is spray painted blue and the other half is red. The front rims are spray painted red, the back are blue. Ridiculous spoiler. Something out of a nightmare. Lame.
  14. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    Tell me about it, the guy who owns it he lives right next door me, everytime I leave my house i feel like laughing my ass off, I'll take a picture and put it up tomorrow
  15. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Lol. That's all I can say.
  16. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I just ran across this one on my hard drive, and I figured I'd post it up. This guy lives in a friend of mine's neighborhood, so he has the joy of seeing this fine piece of machinery just about everyday.
  17. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

    my lens is a little dirty excuse the smudge
    i saw this tc when i was leaving work!
    took this photo with my new Droid!
  18. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I don't like the Droid. And the body kit on that tC reminds me of a Tiburon.
  19. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    +1 on the droid...I was about to trade my storm in for one. not even a close competitor with the iphone.
  20. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Neither is the Storm. Only reason I like the Storm is because I like the feel and sound it makes when you click stuff on the screen. I just drag my finger across the whole screen. Lol. And the Droid's keyboard is waaaaaaay too small. You have to have little tiny robot fingers to press em. Like on the commercial.