I cant go donate cuz there isnt any places here in tyler but there is one in dallas but Id hafta live up there
i must agree! very good point theirs nothing ever on! even if you got hundreds of channels to choose from! lol!
If you had been reading the post go donate sperm! you make good money then donate plasma as well but not blood you dont get paid for that shit. I cant donate blood or plasma you cant donate untill ! year after a new tattoo and I tend to get one every 6 months
So i was out driving tonight, its been snowing, and on a back road going to a friends house. I turn left and the car goes straight.... on like a 50 foot stretch of black ice, barely missed this iron-clad mailbox, passenger side goes two feet up a bank and and into a bush. The bush should have been classified as a short wide tree. the (trunk part was about 3 inches wide.) But the end of the story is my car now has deep scuffs and scratches from the passenger side headlight, all the way up the pillar, over the roof, and spoiler, and across the doors. not like one or two thin scratches and scuffs, but hundreds of long wide ones. i know its down or past the primer in places. I did not see any dents (yet) and could not believe the bumper windshield \ passenger window was not broken. Moral of the story is my state can't afford to salt back roads anymore, it had been scraped, and they laid chat, but that does not melt the ice..... So now i am hoping the car does not start to rust, i can deal with the scratches as pissed as i was, but i can't afford new paint right now, maybe in three months if i save all my spare money and tax season overtime. Now i have a mirror that exploded, scuffed bumper from a year ago, and an entire passenger side of the car to match the bumper.
I am just assuming you are in the miltary... why do you have to pay for flight school if you are an officer in the AF?
I wish I was in the military... actually applied for the air force academy and my chances of getting in were pretty good. The only thing holding me back was the fact that I had 3 herniated disks, sciatica as well as 20/200 vision. My vision wasn't a problem... it was my back :cry: I failed my initial PT test in the sit ups portion because my back seized up after 30 (when I could full well do 70+/min). Long story short, I've been going to physical therapy and to a chiropractor while taking flying lessons (already have my license) hoping to get back in the game before it's too late
and as far as my nickname: LTDan= Lt. Dan, Lancer Tuner Dan, and from forrest gump! Thought it was a pretty good play on words
The first thing I thought of when you first signed up was Forrest Gump :lol: LT. Daannnn iiicee creaaaam