Bought 3 cans of Plasti-Dip today. Hopefully doing the job this weekend sometime. On a side note, the girlfriend and I are going to Mississippi next weekend. Just trying to get away from everything for a while. Should be fun.
Well, after 126,899 miles.....I think its time to replace the cat and o2 sensors in the R/A. No CEL's, but I think its getting a little on the restrictive side. Gonna go with a Magnaflow 59950 spiral cat....just wonder how much its going to change the exhaust note. I like the sound my current setup puts out...worried about it becoming raspy. blah
Mainly I just want to be with her. Doesn't really matter what we do, ya know. There's a few old plantations that we'd like to go look at in Mississippi that we've read about. On another note, went and saw Paranormal Activity 3 tonight. Meh, it was alright.
Nice! Started playing uncharted 3 today and couldn't put it down. Beat the storyline on hard, now i just may need to try "crushing" or w/e they list it as. lol
Going to be playing around with the plasti-dip today to try and see exactly how it works and everything. May do a few interior pieces.
what consoles do you guys own? I still got my old gameboy, gameboy color, first psp, super nintendo, n64, wii, ps1, ps2, ps3, and xbox 360 look what i just found for people who own a ps3, a free $5.99 movie credit on psn
I have a ps3, 360, NES, N64, Gamecube, DS Lite, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Pocket, and I think that's it. I don't think it's worth to get e-mails from them for the rest of my life for a movie. Lol.