Random Thoughts Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    blue king would be more subjected to die becuz his car has already been hit once :rolleyes: j/k bro lol but im about to post a couple of pics of my buddy will on the 8thcivic forum that came out with a few scapes from this accident after getting a pic of it on my cell phone i told helix im not sure if hell make it but he was only critical becuz he was in so much shock anyways this is what happens when a drunk driver runs into oncoming traffic and the driver of a turbo si gets hit spins @ 70mph and hits two trees before stopping rip teh purple plane
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  2. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    I remember you telling me about this a couple weeks ago. That was a pretty terrible accident, and I hope he's OK. It sure is a shame that his car was totaled. It was a beautiful machine.
  3. blueking_4

    blueking_4 Well-Known Member

    wow. i hope that whoever was in the car is alright.
  4. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    yeah ill post some before it was wrecked pictures for yall hang on
  5. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member



  6. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    This day is just draaaaagging ooooon foreveeeeer.
  7. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I love being in bad moods...
  8. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    tell me about it man god
  9. blueking_4

    blueking_4 Well-Known Member

    yeah it was like that all day for me today, like, normally, people can joke around about stuff and sometimes it's considered "offensive" but today, the 1 day i choose to joke around, everyone gets all pissy. wth? is there something in the air today? lol
  10. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    I like to throw small objects at my boss. Paperclips, crumpled up stickies, pens, scissors, etc.
  11. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    I like to be racist and stereotypical all at the same time. Ppl find it funny. Watch all these. They are funny and yet true.




  12. blueking_4

    blueking_4 Well-Known Member

    that made my day dude. thanks :) lol
  13. blueking_4

    blueking_4 Well-Known Member

    I just found out my little cousin, who is like my little brother, has to ride the bus to and from school. This isn't a problem, however, they are so concerned about "budget cuts" that they load every bus past full capacity and make him stand in the aisle. Does anyone agree with me that children's safety should take at least a little priority over a budget cut? I mean, cut it from getting new soccer balls or something?
  14. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    pretty sure that not legal bro, id call someone up on that
  15. blueking_4

    blueking_4 Well-Known Member

    yeah, I told that to my aunt, and she said that she's going to raise hell about it. I mean, it's messed up that these little kids have to stand up in the bus while it's driving down the road at like 40-55MPH. Makes me really angry just thinking about this.
  16. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    There's definitely a limit to how many people can ride a bus before it becomes unsafe. I would definitely call transportation about that. They shouldn't be risking childrens' lives to save on bus costs.
  17. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    ^ i agree with this post {thumbup}
  18. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I third that motion. I don't see how they even got away with doing it in the first place...
  19. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    Me neither. There's supposed to be methods in place to prevent over-crowding. When I was in middle school, the bus drivers had to count the number of students on the bus and if it was over a certain number they had to call in a second bus.