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Random Thoughts Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    get them damn things on already jog haha, your like me, i get stuff but i take forever to put it on my car
  2. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Sigh. Tired.
  3. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Haha. It didn't happen. Too much rust.
  4. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    pooo on rust
  5. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Sleep from 10 30 to 730 this morning was awesome.
  6. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    agreed. It doesnt look bad either but here are pics. Just gonna take it to a shop here in a few weeks. I already spent about $60 buyin tools to do it myself. It most likely will cost me around $100 for them to take off the old ones and put on the megans.

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  7. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    wow those actually look pretty good idk if its the rust but i know they are torqued on like a mofo
  8. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    yea they are on there tight! It would be a bit easier if there wasnt rust. I'd be able to do it myself or with my friend. But that torque is what is holdin me back. Im gonna go buy a few torque wrenches and see if I can get them off then but if not Im just gonna take it to the shop. I will have wrenches for future use though. LOL.
  9. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    TTTOOOOOO MMAAAANNY CCOOOODDESS!!! p0141. I guess it's time to fix that 2nd 02 sensor now. time to plug it in. Buyin rrm's straight pipe and some ebay downpipe. Maybe even some ebay downpipe header combo. Just enough to pass inspection. Well since my cel isnt on they would scan for codes anyway. Good thing I keep a logger all the time and unplugged the light. It gets irritating sometimes. But I always know what codes I have and that's the important part.
  10. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I think RRM sells that CRL code eliminator or whatever to go in place of an o2 sensor on the cat for their test pipe.
  11. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    They do. I will be getting that as well. I have to get a whole new front end exhaust part which is killing me. The downpipe and 2nd cat are all welded together. It's a rather unpleasing sight to see as the guy who did the weld had no clue what he was doing.
  12. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    hope no one buys this before I get paid next. Sucks not having money sometimes. Thanks for the heads up
  13. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    You know, I saw that the other day and meant to post it up to let anyone know who might be interested, but I think it was right before I left for school and I forgot all about it. Sorry. :/ On a side note, late night runs are fun.
  14. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    so um cant walk 20 feet off work property to smoke gotta instead walk 1/4 mile to the "approved" smoking area lol
  15. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    btw jogenmaru when u get paid again?
  16. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    This Friday for me.
  17. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    LOL. Just take off anything that shows you work where you do.

    19th. Good news though. I picked up a 2nd job at GameStop again for car expenses.
  18. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    hopefully its there jogen devilish little me went ooooOOOOO me want but bills gotta get paid first lol but i dont need it and im working at paying the car off first before i toy with performance
  19. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Having router troubles still. I'm trying to tackle the problem yet again, but I can't seem to fix it. Trying to put my sister's in its place. Same brand and such, but so far not so good.