Random Thoughts Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    actually im a fan of both and own both, but PS3 has NO cross game private chat system
  2. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    watching Blades of Glory and it's hilarious. fyi
  3. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    ^^ that is a funny movie :)

    I gotta go get my bf from work then get some Subway for dinner...mmmm EAT FRESH! I'm goin' on a diet so now fast food is just subway instead of big ol' burgers haha
  4. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    that doesnt sound like fun, cant beat a good ole burger!
  5. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I just got my check today, and I worked 57.87 hours this week...... Didn't feel like that many. I guess time flies when you're having fun.
  6. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Hell no, McDonalds and Wendy's for me :)

    Wow I have the worst case of hiccups ever right now.. so annoying.
  7. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

    i had a total of 51.57hrs earning me a little over $400 but my asshole uncle sam took like $100 of it and he isn't even real... :(
  8. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

    the ranting of a nerd!!! watch as you date yourself!!! lol!
  9. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    My paycheck was only $600 ... boo. I hate not working my full 80 hours... so I only have like $150 left to spend on myself and to last the next two weeks but I gotta get dog food so thats $100 then.
  10. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    ^ And that's why I would never get a dog. Lol. They cost too much. When, I could spend that $50 on myself rather than an animal. My opinion.
  11. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Dog? Try having a toddler. Lol my checks run about 950...after paying for all the crap we need, I have about 300 left at the end of the month. Thank god my wife acttually wants to work...cause all her money is our play money.
  12. xSoni

    xSoni Well-Known Member

    100th page! :p
  13. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't trade my dog for a million dollars. $50 a month is not much to pay to have a loving companion that never gets mad at you waiting with a wagging tail when you walk in the door after a long day at work :)
  14. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    And then it gets excited and pees on the floor.

    At least that's what mine does :)
  15. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Uhh... I think only tiny dogs do that haha. My dog doesn't pee in the house.

    He will (rarely) get sick sometimes and poop on the tiles cuz he can't hold it but other than that... nothin!
  16. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    wooooooooo 100 pages!!! (we have no lives)
  17. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Lets get to 1000
  18. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    No thanks. I don't think I'll be alive that long.
  19. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    LOL sure ya will :)

    Man, I saw this thread on I dunno what forum that I wanted to show my bf with I think a G35 with big rims but the tires were too small, it was like some new trend apparently... cant find it anywhere now...
  20. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    it is under the ricers spotted thread, i posted it. lol