I've seen them all a bunch of times and I still laugh my ass off at them. "Sometimes works with milk, sometimes with cheese. Does it work with shit? I dunno let's go in! *snniiff* Nope it doesn't!" :lol:
The Shamwow... guy is in jail. he bet a hooker up and had some drugs... so he wont be out for a few years. plus he sucked anyways!
Ya apparently he sham-powed someone in the face lol "and it's made by the Nazi's...oh God!" Hahaha I love all those videos.
he didnt knock her out he just busted up her face here is the storyhttp://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0327092sham1.html
Got to do it I guess. So how is everyone doing today? Another day of work right! Got to make that money... got bills to pay!
I'm workin a midnight shift tonight...yay... I'm gonna have to try my bestest to stay up all night. I don't wanna fall asleep at work LOL
Last time I did a midnight shift I got in trouble for being out in my car for an hour and a half (my boy came to visit me LOL) I'm sure it'll be fine, I just need to sleep first.
Yeah LOL ...well we're supposed to just take two 15 min breaks... She said if it was anyone else who had done that she'd fire them but she needed me badly back then to do her stupid midnigh shifts so I got off the hook