I can't afford to live on my own, that's why I live at home for free.... and the closest biggest city is like 2 hours away.
YES ANOTHER DAY OF WORK DONE fuck that guys im going home nice i get to drive home thru winding roads
HAHA... Working... got to love making money! I like it when its really busy at work... makes my day go by fast! SO I have no door panels in my car right now! Lol... loud drive to work... could hear everything on the road!
I have painted them black... and now I am changing the fabric on them. going to turn out nice... I will post pictures when I get them back in!
Spend most of my weekend on it. I am thinking of changing up the dash color also! When you are dont you should post so pics also???
One more hour of work.. hells year... I am so ready to go home. Clean my living room and then start playing some Wii