Post a picture of your car as it sits now...

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by RedGalant2k1, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. xSoni

    xSoni Well-Known Member

    damn dude.. what happened
  2. Jman-AK

    Jman-AK Active Member

    Makes me wanna cry...
  3. khaos

    khaos Active Member

  4. JDMFanatik

    JDMFanatik Well-Known Member

  5. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Oh man that sucks about the accident. Kinda strange that just that quarter panel is completely messed up but the rest looks like it didn't even get touched.
  6. mitchGTS

    mitchGTS Well-Known Member



    Well if you look at the first pic... i was pulled up in front of the house i was going to... just ahead of the driveway that i was backing into.
    Had my indicator on and started backing up. there was no one near me when i looked in my rear view mirror.
    i got half way in off the road (so i was 90 degrees with the road and half way back)
    thats when this 45 year old lady desided to hit me... never touched her breaks... got pics of her tires which have no rubber left.
    she was driving wayyyy to fast and was not paying attention.
    she started saying that i never had an indicator on when it was blinking away....
    then she told the police that she was 2 car lenghts behind me.... BULL SHIT... if she was 2 car lenghts behind me then there is no way she would of hit the front of my car.... she would of rear ended me...

    my back and neck are killing me. smoked my head of the window

    I could go on and on about this.... But get this... its my fault. insurance said its my fault.

    im taking this to court...
  7. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    dude court all the way man thats bs... fucking sucks im sorry to hear this best of luck man
  8. Jman-AK

    Jman-AK Active Member

    ......yeah this was fun lol that blurr my my door is a state trooper btw my buddy drove by and got a pic shitty as it is but its still a pic
  9. whosjamesgo

    whosjamesgo Well-Known Member

    lol were you speeding?
  10. Jman-AK

    Jman-AK Active Member

    No my 3k headlights :-( so i put 10k in there this morning lol
  11. whosjamesgo

    whosjamesgo Well-Known Member

    damn.ya i use to get pullover with my 3k bulbs also but never got a ticket.
    i just played dumb and said didnt know i couldnt have them
  12. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Lol I kinda figured those would cause some problems. There's an MR2 around here with em. Annoying as fuck lol.
  13. mike389

    mike389 Member

    Went to a scion meet with two friends, 1 in the xB me with the lancer and another in the Mazda3
  14. Jman-AK

    Jman-AK Active Member

    lucky! i played the whole my fogs where stock yellow so i just got matching headlights card, we dont have a mitz dealer within 350 miles from where i live so im one of 2 with a 09 lancer and there are only about 8 or 9 lancers running around here, but there are fucking eclipses every where! makes no since
  15. tunes

    tunes Active Member

  16. whosjamesgo

    whosjamesgo Well-Known Member

    old pic from a meet in april but it will work for now
    gonna take new some pic soon
    ya i got PURPLE NUTS :p
  17. Jman-AK

    Jman-AK Active Member

    Snow Time in Alaska.... Yay! started yesterday already have 7 inches on the ground
  18. xSoni

    xSoni Well-Known Member

    bleh.. hate the snow T.T
  19. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    I love snow :D So much fun to go out at 2 AM and yank on that e-brake :)

    So jealous it's already snowing.
  20. Jman-AK

    Jman-AK Active Member

    just got done out in the snow was e-braking like a mofo it was sweeeet!