Poker night!----NOT poke HER night

Discussion in 'West Coast Owners Forum' started by Guest, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    You are coming tonight? Dont be jewish.
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member clueless. is this poker thing tonight? lol sorry
  3. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Yes. Tonight. KRUs house. Be there at 8pm or pay the price.
  4. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    found it. guess it is tonight. can't make it. im not really into poker so that's why i never kept up with the thread.
  5. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    The only thing i can do (while sitting) for long periods of time are Movies (that don't suck) Games (on the 60') or pron.

    A.D.D.> me
  6. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Then our next meet has to be a video game meet then I guess? :D
  7. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    ya rly :p
  8. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

  9. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    ^THAT's an idea.

    I know Sub wants a re-match from our greatest downhill-race EVAR 8O

  10. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Way OFF TOPIC :D

    See you bee-iotches tonight.
  11. Conduct

    Conduct Well-Known Member

    I'll bring my ass down there since I finally have the address and and magicall password to get in the door :D
  12. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    The password to get into Phils house is:

    "Oh my god your car is so hot I need to masturbate"
  13. Conduct

    Conduct Well-Known Member

    Shhhh!! now everyone can get into his secret room :evil:
  14. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    /\ thats not the password!

    the password is: POPTART!
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    thanks for coming out guys. had a good time.
  16. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    thanks for having us! we should do it again sometime.
  17. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I thought it was a great success, mucho props to you, brudda!!
  18. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Yes, good meet, good food, good people, good times. Next time we just need to do it on a saturday night :D
  19. Maynard

    Maynard Well-Known Member

    yes we just gotta play more then one game next time...everyone was being shy
    thanks again for everything kru
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    just let me know guys and we can do it again.