1. ForTheGlory37

    ForTheGlory37 Well-Known Member

    Let's aim for Central PA so everyone can make it. State College or Lewistown areas?
  2. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Talking to some people in MD, and NJ that would join
  3. ForTheGlory37

    ForTheGlory37 Well-Known Member

  4. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Again, if you have in August I can make it. Espesially if you have it in State College.
  5. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    ^^ That makes two of us. I'm getting married in July so before that is going to be pretty booked for me...
  6. theFranchise

    theFranchise Well-Known Member

    august works for me.
  7. ForTheGlory37

    ForTheGlory37 Well-Known Member

    Me too... So August in State College?
  8. theFranchise

    theFranchise Well-Known Member

    i have never been in that area. anything good to do, any sites to see there?
  9. ForTheGlory37

    ForTheGlory37 Well-Known Member

    It's home of Penn State's campus. They have a mall, downtown, restaurants, bars, and whatever else...
  10. theFranchise

    theFranchise Well-Known Member

    doesnt seem like too many are interested ;(
  11. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Back from the dead: I guess this is never going to happen :(

    Eitherway, I am in Johnstown, PA if anyone ever wants to meet up.
  12. ForTheGlory37

    ForTheGlory37 Well-Known Member

    Im about two hours from Johnstown. What about a meet in State College, it's pretty centrally located?...
  13. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    I'll be going to HIN this month if anyone wants to meet up there. Its in State College.
  14. ForTheGlory37

    ForTheGlory37 Well-Known Member

    I can't believe I missed that. That's like by my hometown...