Ordered my WORKs short shifter

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by Subawho, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    lol @ not even remotely being close with the Ownage-call

    i don't even think he knows what "owned" means or implies. noobling's
  2. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Does the ridgeline has a setup for sleeping in? the only SUV that i can think about having a setup for over nights is the element... i really like it... the newer element looks bad ass IMO... we did some camping with it, and it was wonderful....

    ive heard really good things about the ridgeline...

    well whatever you end up doing, good luck ma friend!
  3. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    Good to hear your keeping the lancer.

    Since, in all reality, Ill never do any type of racing, time trials, autocross or any such thing, I was counting on you to do these things, so we can see what our cars are capible of :D

    Make her a beast !!!

    *** EDIT

    I did look into the SCCA web sites though, Man, New England sucks bad for events. Couldnt find any solo events at all. Most are down in Washington DC.

    We have Lime Rock raceway here in CT, Its a real nice track... just waiting for thier 2008 scheduel for SCCA to come out to see if theres anything I can join in on....

    I would like to be able to maybe take a few lessons and do a few laps someday... I think that would be fun
  4. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Wasper, you are pretty close to the Team Oneil Rally School. Probably in another year I will be signing up for that school myself. I want to take my car out there so I can learn to do things better in my own car.

    If you are into rally at all you should head over there!

    But in terms of SCCA, Ill look around myself and point anything I find your way :)
  5. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    ^ yeah, I watched something on Speed Network about that school. There was this dude who does motocross, or something with dirt bikes, and he signed up for the school... so they were showing what it was like.

    They start you out in a slower front wheel car and teach you how to turn at high speeds in the dirt, then if you do good they step you up to true rally cars and let you take the wheel for a while (with an instuctor in the car with you).

    Of course they let the dirt bike guy (dammit, cant remember his name...) take out one of the real rally cars that the team uses in thier profesional races. Star power... gotta love it , lol

    I just checked thier websit http://www.team-oneil.com/ and they are already booked up, lol.. must have to sign up way in advance.

    I dont know if I would ever rally...I used to do recreational off-roading in my 1994 3.0L Ranger and my 1994 4.0L Explorer. That was when I was in my 4X4 truck state of mind.

    Then I went thruogh my " As long as it gets me to work, then Im cool" state of mind... thats what I like to call my Hyundia Elantra years, lol

    Now I would like to maybe learn some track stuff, like when to brake and accelerate in turns.. how to get the best lines.. stuff like that. I know how to drive cars on the street.. I am in my thirties, lol... but Im also mature enough to admit Im clueless when it comes to the track.

    Thanks for looking out... if you happen to find out anything in my area, gimmie a heads up.. also, if your ever in this neck of the woods doing any events.. let me know and Ill come out to support!!
  6. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Thanks man! :)

    Yeah I know the show you were talkin about with Dave Mirra right? He does BMX. I remember the name because I used to do it myself in high school and he was one of the guys I idolized :lol: He is actually on the Subaru Monster rally team with Ken Block now...yeah...star power. Pro rally in the US is turning into an "extreme" sport and so its not suprising to see motocross, BMX and skateboard type guys getting into it.

    But hey! Its getting the sport out there!

    In terms of what you are looking for, your best bet is to go to a few performance driving schools. A lot of track events require you have some sort of track license, so make sure to do one that will help you get that.

    I think the most obvious one is Skip Barber: http://www.skipbarber.com/locations/locations.aspx

    SCCA will have their own driving school events also. If there isnt a big chapter in your area, you should jump on the SCCA forums and the friendly people on there will point you in the right direction :)
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ur a cool brudda but what the heck are you thinking about the Ridge Line? Buy a real truck that can handle the abuse of towing.
  8. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Ridgeline pulls 5000, Im never gonna need more than that. Im never gonna pull large boats or anything.

    And thats for calling me cool :love4:
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You need 6k + of towing ability. You will burn your breaks out and your tranny. Ridge line is good for utility trailers, and small personal water craft and or motor cycles.
    Im telln cuz ur a friend and I dont want you to waste your money. A Tundra would be a better bet if you want import for the resale value.
  10. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Gah I hate Tundras...

    I wasnt plannin to get a full covered trailed, just an open one. Figured that would be 500 lbs, and with the car at around 3500 it would be a grand under and I would be ok.

    Silverado? How is yours?
  11. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Driving a turbo'd car compared to a na is completed different. The only problem you will have is picking a color for the RA!!!