New Forum Feedback / To-Do List

Discussion in 'Forum News, Updates and Feedback' started by JDMhammer, Jun 11, 2010.

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  1. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    ill be enabling attachments for posts after i get shit running
  2. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    dark theme done
  3. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    got ya covered
  4. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    now how do we change themes?
  5. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    should be showing as dark for everyone or u still white?
  6. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    well ive always been white but umm yea the forum is still very light colored
  7. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    lol um mines dark colored let me see if it didnt apply to members
  8. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    still light colored.
  9. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    this is what it looks like for me shield/jdmh....if this helps any to help you all out.

  10. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    ooohhh now that's new. I like the click to view full image thingy... :) now on to the ricers thread to view hunks horridly huge pics. They are all literally lifesize. 12mp worth
  11. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    ya Jogenmaru thats what mine looks like JDM wanna take a screen cap so we know what it should look like.
  12. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    nope u guys have it right right now... it was white and blue I changed it to white/grey/black for now... if u guys want to go darker let me know ill find a new theme.

    Also isnt the image thing awesome!!! :D
  13. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    oh i didnt even notice a change. we will have to see what the general consensus is
  14. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    I like it. Better than the blue and white. Classic lt colors
  15. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    JDMHammer, Ive noticed that sometimes using what I presume to be the links to the thread replies they send me to a totally different thread [​IMG]
  16. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    really.... those should bring you right to the last post....
  17. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I'm digging the new colors. And that does help with my obnoxiously large pictures.
  18. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    ill check again later today to see if its still messed up JDMHammer I just dont have the time to do a screen cap before work. It doesnt do it on all of them just some.
  19. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I don't know if anyone else's private message screen is like this, but...just look.
  20. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    oo yea i got that tooo... ill look into it im not sure why its doing that.
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