Well, I am always down to play in the dirt :lol: I had someone ask about the handling on EvoM, I said: "It handles great actually. The only time dirt plays a factor in the handling is when you are turning sharply. Other than that, the lakebed is so compacted and hard that its like driving on a road. The stock dunlops get a good amount of grip when I keep the straight, and I spent a good 4 hours learning the best ways to attack a corner and control the slide in the dirt. I set the cones up for practically every type of situation possible in a rallycross. Then I spent another half hour getting to about 60mph and throwing the ebrake. Front wheel drive drift FTL! The first time I did it I was concentrating on the drift so much that I forgot I had a clutch pedal :lol: "
Definately. My parents are coming to visit me Oct 20th weekend, and Im having them bring me back my digi video camera. Then we can get some really good footage.