yup. kinda crazy cuz we have a lot of 08's running around. maybe i shoulda went to that BBQ. hahah oh well.
i honestly doubt i'd be the only 08 there. hopefully there'll be some new guys to meet, that drive 08 lancers.
(Thank You All) KrispyKreme was a success 400+ cars in attendence last night from toyota/honda/chevy/ford you name it Every one on the most part FOLLOWED RULES thanks we had one little argument between some one and there bro and one black eclispe did a lil burn out (throw rice at him) But it went well bringing the scene back THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CAME OUT HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE NEXT ONE DEC/4/
had a good time man. thanks for setting this thing up. too bad we didnt get a chance to meet face-to-face. next time. lol @ racing eclipses.