I'm hoping I can still go to this, I'll find out tomorrow. My brakes are giving me issues right now :? I'm going to see what it is tomorrow and let you all know
Naa, it was from my accident I think I warped a rotor :? and shut up I don't drive that bad at all, I'm up to like... 20 mpg now
You just need one of those license plate frames that say either the "drive it like you stole it" thing or the "Im always qualifying" thing. Then at least everyone else will know
Everyone drives the way they want to, its all good. I go through so much gas every month that any chance I can get to drive in a way that saves me milage, I try to do it. Even after that Ive had months where I've spent close to $600 on gas :x
Oh SnApZ!!! thats what were gonna be doing!!! i am so excited. LOL I know im over exagerating. sorry. but nice vid ill take that with me on the 2 hour plus drive over there.
oh and i wanna know how many people r still going because im still on for sunday, dont wanna drive all the way out there if its only me. Guys?
Ill be there of course. And please note....we will NOT be doing whats going on in the video. The road does have bicycles and cars and National Forest vehicles who all will have no problem busting our asses. :x This is more for the pictures and hanging out. If anyone does anything to attract negative attention our way, I will have no remorse in slashing your tires and leaving you there to die.