I don't typically post these...BUT (long)

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RedGalant2k1, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    Very well put. I also think it is good for people of the US to be able to question what goes on in the government and white house. As soon as we loose this ability or right, well, I think we all know what will happen to us as citizens.
  2. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    i have and i understand why. i was just stating that mine doesn't look the same not even close.
  3. pbpodgrl

    pbpodgrl New Member

    I just joined the forum, so I don't want to step on any toes, but anyone who writes a thesis in grad school, that document is made public. And even if our school records and birth certificates don't have to be public information, the single man who represents a nation as the speaker of our beliefs, our goals, our security, should prove to us that he has similar intentions to protecting those rights and beliefs and goals of ours. That I believe (imo) is why he and any president or candidate should have to submit all the required documents without question. Every time one of us tries to get a job, what do they ask us for? SSN card, birth certificate, DL or state ID, proof that we are a citizen or proof of eligibility to work in the US. Is it too much to expect that from our president, regardless of if it is Obama, Bush or Schwarzenegger.
  4. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Well said, and that is all people ask is that he be fair and prove it without a fight. I had to provide a SSN card at my current job. The number being provided wasn't enough, they needed to see and verify the actual card. Even being native born, and living here my whole life and quite obviously being American, I was still asked for it, or I quite literally wouldn't have been hired.