glowing door handles!

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by steelhumm, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    let me correct myself i agree with bambam.
  2. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member

    thanks for jumping my thread to let them know. :roll:

    that's class right there.
  3. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

  4. bambam

    bambam Well-Known Member

    lol us newbs can stick together =)
  5. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    lol competition breeds violence in this case who can put the other into epilectic shock with their show of lights first....and GO.

    :( why do i live in want to move to cali....just got another foot of snow grrr
  6. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member competition, I didn't make this thread to sell anything.. I just wanted to make a thread showing a cool product on MY Lancer. Thread jacking to advertise is flat out RUDE...that's all I meant. As I'm sure most would agree.
  7. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    i would have to agree but at the same time... yea i agree
  8. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member

    :lol: :lol:

    you have LED's in your headlights or did you change the bulb for the city lights?
  9. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    its actualy not my car but another bro on here...chokingchicken but he changed the city lights..thats what i want to do to my car tho mines white with cf hood and blue city lights and glow kit ...and 15k hids..should be sickkk
  10. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Steel: would cold cathodes work for an underbody kit? I'm goin to do cathodes on the interior and grill but wasn't sure about the underbody.
  11. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    i would have to disagree... automoglow is one of LTs supporting vendors and i would be offended if someone working for another company that is not a supporting vendor came on to the forum and posted something they did and said they were from another company that is not a supporting vendor... so i'd have to say i disagree w/ u, he had all the right to do that...

    now, if u were both supporting vendors, i would absolutely agree w/ u... but ur not, simple as that :p
  12. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    you do have a point but Steel didn't say he was going to sell anything. Last I remember he said if we need help to PM him. Not If we need to buy anything.
  13. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    ya i know, but things can be easily misinterpreted, would of been best if he never did say he was from another company...
  14. Dukekid0987

    Dukekid0987 Well-Known Member

    ahhh automoglow streetglow partically all the samelets just drop it. if he wants to become a supporting member im sure he knows what to do.

    On a side note lets get back to how kick ass your ride looks with all those lights :D do you keep your neons on all the time?
  15. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member

    umm...HUH?!?!?! I never tried to sell a damn thing in this thread!! Someone asked how to install I said I work for streetglow and if they need any help to PM me...if you misinterpreted that...well...english 101.

    I am not here to knock AMG... bieng a paying vendor doesn't give you a right to jack people threads to advertise...period...end of discussion. This thread was about MY CAR...not selling product.
  16. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    and clerification ftw
  17. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Lol...yeah so...about your car...where did you find the wires to hook it up to the dome light? did you run wire all the way up or did you find another place.

    also, this isn't a good way to welcome a new member to the forum.

    Steel: normally we give each other crap after about 100 posts. you got an early indoc... :D j/k
  18. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member

    Well thats gonna reveal another project I am working on...but I had the headliner down to do some glow work up there so yea, I just tapped in from the light. Easier than looking around for one.
  19. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

    by the way i love the door handle glow you got them mounted perfect!
  20. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    oh ok...i guess I'll need a little time to remove that and wire everything up. I'm going to order cathodes in the near future. Won't jump on the project till after the summer. Summer school sucks...

    I appreciate the help.