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Eibach Meet Feb. 2nd

Discussion in 'West Coast Owners Forum' started by Nemo420, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    KRU you forgot to give FLOW your number so he can be your best bud. Get on it dood! :wink: :wink:

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Sub, all I wanna do is become a friend with him and if I have any questions I could ask him since he knows what his doing.
  3. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    I wasnt giving you shit, I was reminding him in a playful way.
  4. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    See everyone there
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ur going? cool.
  6. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

  7. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Its a Honda event, what do you expect :p I see thing thing being like that Tuesday night meet. Everyone is there in their groups just hating on any car that isnt with them.
  8. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    Bet Alvin can't wait to go. 8)
  9. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    LOL, very anxious to go!!...I have my type-R decal (50hp), mugen wrist bands (30hp), I <3 honduh t-shirt(15hp), powered by honduh decal(45hp) and glo-sticks!!!! I am all set!!! Plus all that hp will put me at 1000whp at all 4 wheels for my FWD Fit SiR!!!! :twisted:
  10. stronz73

    stronz73 Well-Known Member

    LMAO!!! that is some funny ShIaaT!!! :laughing6:
  11. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\ but SO true :D
  12. Maynard

    Maynard Well-Known Member

    i can't find this place on mapquest
  13. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Googlemaps jerkface.
  14. Maynard

    Maynard Well-Known Member

    I will be in attendance
  15. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Wish Florida had this kind of events, I would def go.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    We are supposed to be getting another storm by then.

    Im canceling. Sorry every 1. I dont wanna take a chance. Plus nice clean car and then drive in the rain and all the wet road dirt. Car will look great when I get there. Even if its inside.

    I know Im a sissy. LOL!

    Have fun and I hope it works out for ya.
  17. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    meet has be cancelled

    has been changed to

    NWP4LIFE.com Presents...
    WHEN: Feburary 2nd, 2008
    TIME: 2:00PM to 7:00 pm
    WHERE: EIBACH Springs in Corona (Address below).
    (First Come, First Serve)
  18. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    i can almost hear Alvin's heart breaking.....
  19. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\SNAP!!!!!!! NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn, first the Fat Boys break up and now this?!?! :D
  20. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\ LOL...from Evolve :D