Chicago meeting in April/25/2009 :D

Discussion in 'Mid-West Owners Forum' started by Pickasso, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    lancer did u look at 476 w montrose harbor chicago il ? to be a meeting place ? .. and we could go from there to the other places .. cuz there it`s a good place man .. i went there like 4-5 times day and night :D
  2. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    yay me :))
  3. Chi_Lancer09

    Chi_Lancer09 Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    hey guys, i just realized, i dont know how many of u guys celebrate Easter but i believe Easter falls on the 12th. so if we do meet it would have to be later in the day. at least for me. if u guys do shit with fam like i do, like goin out 2 lunch or cookin out then we should either have a later time or switch the day. iono... just a thought. but i got another dude 2 add to the list. he's a frat brother of mine who just got an 08 lancer yesterday. the more the merrier!! lol
  4. djgosha

    djgosha Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    Chi_lancer09 u rite man... I forgat about that Easter is on 12th... sh*t...
  5. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    oh shit that sucks man ... i celebrate easter too =)
  6. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    How bout we just push it back to the next weekend?? April 18th or 19th. Same time and whatever location.
  7. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    yea lets push it for a diff weekend bc there just isnt going to be any time if you think about it. by the time we meet up it will probably be dark. anyone ok for the 19th? same time an place
  8. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    allright ... 19th :)
  9. djgosha

    djgosha Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/12/2009

    it's works for me....
  10. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    start the list!!! an count how many other lancers/evo drivers you know that are comin.
    1 l.lancer1 +3
  11. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    1 l.lancer1 +3
    2 Pickasso ( Gabriel )
  12. chrisbond1

    chrisbond1 New Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    i'm down. but what's the time and place? i dont have to work! :]

    i should have my exhaust and springs in too!
  13. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    well chris we are still thinking about the time and place ... but it`s between 2-4 pm ... and it will be near down-town .. like navy pier or smth like that .. close to the lake
  14. slim8605

    slim8605 Well-Known Member

  15. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    idk man ... we wanna do this in chicago ... and just like mitsubishi cars ..
  16. Chi_Lancer09

    Chi_Lancer09 Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    i agree... that's extra far and i would like to just have it be lancer/mitsu dudes. so the 19th is cool 4 me. what time? 4ish?? 5? it would be cool, 2 take some daylight pics but then maybe some night pics. iono... and where again?

    1 l.lancer1 +3
    2 Pickasso ( Gabriel )
    3 Chi_lancer09 (+1 possibly)
  17. baldyGTS

    baldyGTS Active Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    Im down for this but I no longer have my Lancer but I drive a Galant if thats ok
  18. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    baldy u are welcome even with a subaru :))) .. it`s gonna be at like .. 3-4ish .. i suggested a place where we could meet i`ll repeat the address and look on google earth to the place .. i like it there .. nice view and everything .. or it could be just a meeting place and we would go from there .. and we could plan ... like going to eat something .. cruising to navy pier .. to show off our cars .. and stuff .. i know it guys :D

    476 w montrose harbor chicago il .... check it out :))
  19. baldyGTS

    baldyGTS Active Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    I might have a good meeting place at the old Meigs Field where no one will bother us, but Ill find out more once I talk to one of my supervisors
  20. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    Re: Chicago meeting in April/19/2009 :D

    ooo yeah that`s a nice place ... pretty close to the adler planetarium ... :D