good point jog. i forgot that, and i dont listen to any updates about ps3, but in all seriousness i always thought the ps3 was a better buy. but im just an xbox guy haha and my xbox doesnt sound like a plane at all
Oh i just rembered. The new 360 finally has built in wireless. But, The ps3 (old & new) Now has 3-d capabilities. There are only a few 3-d games out but they are remaking a bunch of ps3 games for this purpose. SSOOOO Call of Duty or Battlefield in 3-d equals awesomeness. I have yet to hear of the 360 doing this.
Hey all, I play on 360 daily! y2ray7697 on there as well, so hit me up with a friend invite cuz I'm tired of playing with people I don't know haha. My 360 DOES sound like a damn plane...I have one of the new intercoolers on it haha. I just bought a new one cuz the one I've had SINCE LAUNCH finally did the RROD on me...oh well...anyways yeah, I'm rambling...PLAY GAME WITH y2ray7697...NOOOOWWWW haha.
With that I can say fuck any other shooter. Killzone and Battlefield are the best shooters EVAR! But I am sacrificing my soul to MW2 now. Just waitin on more stuff from Bad Company 2.
Ya i agree that Killzone and Battlefield are the best shooters game ever.I am waiting for the killzone 3 which will be out in 3 D.
I played BFBC 2 and hated it. Modern Warfare series is where its at. Xbox GT is IME551AHI. hit me up. im finishing up Bulletstorm and will start back on MW2 here soon
too prove your points about cod. I joined a core TD lobby, and there was a nuke counting down 1394 hours. there were people with thousands of kills, talk about a new hacked lobby to prestige in within hours
i was wondering wtf was goin on when i played couple months ago again with all these hackers bullsh*t. i like mw2 better than blackops, but with this hack sh*t goin on, it just discourages me.
Agreed. I don't know why, but MW2 is just a better game to me. Black ops isn't too bad anymore now that I'm used to how the game works and all it's quirks and what not. But, I still like cod4 the most.
For someone like me who hates the call of duty series. Mw2 was legit! Ya know before noob tubing became popular and all. sent from my droid2 using tapatalk
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is way better than call of duty. I sold black ops to get it and I don't regret it at all. Tapatalk oh yes
I picked up the new Medal of Honor the other day, and haven't looked back. Keeping Black Ops for zombies though.
I have black ops and mw2, i'll be on tonight if any of you wanna play. I never have a full party so theres always room wit me My gt is in a post in this thread somewhere