Brand Spanking New Lancer w/ Ubertastic Features!!

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by Killface, Oct 26, 2007.


    GODZILLA Well-Known Member

    Damm im soooo jelous of you seats. They look freakin awsome 8O
  2. Funk_Docta

    Funk_Docta Member

    Those seats look awesome!! It must have been a custom job. Not a fan of the rims though.
  3. Killface

    Killface Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the seats are most def not covers. But something wierd my dad told me yesterday. He said they got a letter in the mail from Max Madsen (local Mitsu dealer up here) saying they need to "re-calibrate" the seats due to the leather. Sounds like bullshit to me :roll:
  4. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    can you take a picture of the rear seats and post it please?
  5. Killface

    Killface Well-Known Member

    When I get a chance, will do :wink: