bed liner and my ride

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by eTXlancer, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. playa213xx

    playa213xx Well-Known Member

    dude you asked for opinions...people gave it to one means any've got logic and a sense of being unique but we just don't think its something we would do...your way is fine if you like it bro
  2. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    poor guy, i bet he regrets asking for our opinion :tool:
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    and this is why they have Pep Boys! LOL!

    No but serious brudda, being different is cool, but you gotta be able to invision the end result in ur mind. I dont fully believe that you really like it urself.
  4. CanoboyGTS

    CanoboyGTS Member

    You should consider spraying all of you're windows with bedliner. This way you dont have to worry about anybody seeing you in that Hideous Car!
  5. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    classic!! lol
  6. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    ill just restate the first thing that came to mind:

    Wut.... The....Phuck
  7. Mitsu008

    Mitsu008 Well-Known Member

    well (A) for effort lol
  8. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    yah i still dont see what the big deal is. why are yall getin so damn pissy. one person says somthin corny and every body has to chime in and try to be cooler, except for a select few with some tact.
  9. thetaxguy

    thetaxguy Well-Known Member

    Whoa buddy...
  10. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    yeah dont listen to these guys, SOME of them are douchebags, (especially the guy with the injen car) :lol: but seriously if you like it leave it, but i would at least sand the bumps off.
  11. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    tru u did try something diff and props on that, just get back to us asap when u sand it a bit
  12. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, don't take it to the heart on certain comments.

    Well, have you tried sanding them down to see the result? It just looks weird with all the bumps; which looks like a really bad vinyl job including how the edges turned out.

    Like KRU said above, do you faithfully like how it turned out 100%?
  13. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    finally normal constructive criticism. well i like it more now i peeled it off on the mitsu and sanded down on the very bottom lip. i took forever and it kind of blends in w/ the car. i might try the middle l8r on
  14. Dukekid0987

    Dukekid0987 Well-Known Member

    you get props man its something new deffinetly.everyone has different taste just try working with it do what you want it is your ride. as long as you dont put a huge ass wing on it. anyways like u said try sanding it and such
  15. playa213xx

    playa213xx Well-Known Member

    can we see pics now???
  16. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    post some pics
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ok wait u r being contradictive. If you say props props props and its ur ride and do it how you want even tho the majority is un-supportive, but then u thro in ur 2 cents of not doing the huge wing.

    WTF! is that about?
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yeah that p.o.s Injen car is a huge rice ready turd. "F" that guy. I heard he lets some NO HOMO douche hang at his pad from time to time.
  19. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    yeah that guy should get banned. who lets douchebags that say NO HOMO all the time hang at his pad?
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i think its that no home with the dual red pin stripes