bed liner and my ride

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by eTXlancer, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    i know, i was just saying by comparison a paint job done by me would prob work better
  2. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    to me a smooth surface was a decient scacrifice for protection.
  3. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    thats what bras are for, that way u can take them off easily when u resell or when u go to a show
  4. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    you should of gone with the vinyl, but if your happy with it then more power to you, after all your the one driving it :oops: [​IMG]
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No way! He straight out asked us.

    That stuff has got to go!

    Im sorry eTXlancer and I mean no disrespect, but please reconsider.
  6. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    at least when you hit a squirrel or something like a piece of lumber,he/she wont scuff the paint.....
  7. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Definitely not feeling it.

    If you really wanted protection, you should of just got the invisible shields. The overall look on the edges finish doesn't look good.
  8. MickyOz

    MickyOz Well-Known Member

    As I said ... gona be fun if you need to take the grill out.

    I think it would be better if you sand it back smooth... then clear coat, as mentioned.

    I love the CF front look :D

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    And I straight up answered! It's horrible!
  10. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    well i def was hoping for different comments, especialy fom the ones that have been here longer. yall straight up say if it aint good. i'll try sandin some of it tomorrow c if that helps. but, do i at least get some props 4 tryin something new? all i see is paint and vinyl. (p and v look awsome jus wanted to be diff)
  11. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    ill say it is differnt,but good try though.did you expect it to come out like that?
  12. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    /\ not quit as much gloss and cake arround the mitsu. the texture was inevetable, its as smooth as they could possably get it. the gloss is on top. it happens when it dries
  13. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    From the people that answered and are the of the oldest who's answered was the best commented?
  14. MickyOz

    MickyOz Well-Known Member

    I did make mention of it being a unique look, and with that, props for being different!
  15. CanoboyGTS

    CanoboyGTS Member

    That is just ABSURD! What were you thinking?
  16. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Like i said... sand it down until the bumps are gone.. if you dont want a glossy finish, dont use a clear coat on it...
  17. midunn

    midunn Well-Known Member

    I can understand you wanting protection for your front end but do live in a area where every road is gravel? Have fun trying to remove all that gunk and hopefully you own your car and it's not leased.

    Good try though.
  18. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    /\ not all gravel but bugs, road debris and other whatnot. i own it
  19. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    im thinking of spaying that bed liner crap on my hood and trunk. what do you guys think? :sign3:
  20. Mitsu008

    Mitsu008 Well-Known Member

    ^ Rofl :lol: