With that said I need some parts: 1. Door skin front driver side door 2. 18x9.5 wheels 3. CF hood (old one is trashed) 4. Some more fiberglass resin and a hot glue gun (mostly for sniffing the fumes) 5. Seriously, I need a door skin and those 18x9.5 wheels!
Toying the idea of keeping the graphics or repainting over. We'll see. I'm not going to commit to anything. Updates will come shortly. Update 8/24/11: Started compiling a list of materials. Prices are already in the four digits lol. Ambitious? Yeah probably. Got a few ideas I'm toying with. I'll be starting with the sound system this weekend with a template of the trunk. Will start figuring out WHERE everything goes, and start doing the install from there. It'll be a long and bumpy road, I don't expect it to be done until the end of September because there will be A LOT going into this section of the build.
Stupid bills to pay! Set my system back several months. Got laid off of 2 of my 3 jobs. FML! Now what am I going to do to get my car all spiffy looking?
That sucks, man. Sounded like you had a whole plan of how it was going to look. Hopefully you can get everything straightened out and get it back on the track you want.