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Audio Install

Discussion in 'Members Progress Reports' started by arc, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    Well boys and girls another update is due.

    Got the distro mounted into its own compartment to match the amps even got a cover for this one. I used a bit to much glue on the cover panel so i will have to pull it off and re do it you can see the stains in the pics.




    Current state how it sits as of today

    The voltmeter in the pics above has been removed think i killed it, was working fine when i was testing it the night i got it worked fine but once in its surround and vinyled it decided to die ah well went and got a battery terminal and ripped the voltmeter out of there same thing just a little smaller.

    Tweeter postion has changed Andrew from Northfield gave me a few new postions to try forgot about getting pics of the new postion.
  2. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    great job! ty 4 the pics.
  3. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Lookin good
  4. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member


    very nice job... MORE PICS! :D

    phil get tha bawl rollin with yours! 8)
  5. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    Well another weekend another update...

    /////Alpine 202e + 701 installed









  6. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    New Kill switch waiting to be installed


    More pics from the weekend





    Covers On




    Covers Off


  7. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Man that looks so clean. Wish I had the know-how, tools, and time to do a custom set up like that.

    Great work
  8. Pocket

    Pocket Well-Known Member

    very niiiiice..it still trips me out to know that u do it with ur left hand
  9. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    Thought i would share what i have been working on. Not audio related but fibreglass, bog and paint...




    Will house 2 Autometer Cobalt series gauges

    Ive finished sanding with 320gritt and is now ready to be primmed at work tomorrow just gotta start looking for the right textured paint now.
  10. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    damn dude...that looks amazing...i was wondering where you went...
  11. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    i actually wanted to start working on my car like that but realized that the time I have available and the fact that I don't know squat about doing that kind of stuff let me with the option of waiting till stuff comes out. I learned to let the professionals deal with these kind of things...took awhile to realize that right KRU? lol
  12. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    Thanks mate havnt had access to a camera for a while. Ive done quite a bit of work we have a long weekend coming up so expect a big update monday night...
  13. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    glad to c ur keeping up the good work.

    maybe i will actually get to finish mine soon.
  14. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Dang it!! I hate how I can't see pics when photobucket is used.
  15. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    SeRious08 once final product is installed and working i will upload them different to photobucket if your keen to see them...



    Drying in my bathroom under the heat lamps to speed the process up since there is no sun...
  16. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    Satin black finish better then the gloss few runs but getting done again in carbon fibre

  17. DVHopeful

    DVHopeful Well-Known Member

    how the f do u take off that long panel across the dash? i want to take out the hazard lights to place them somewhere else, then use that hole for an aftermarket dvd player
  18. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    open your glove box there will be a screw half way down on the side closest to door take that out then pull that panel off there will be another screw under that holding the silver trim piece on take that screw out then should just pull off...
  19. westcoast

    westcoast Well-Known Member

    can u make a how to:make subwoofer enclosures or somethin?
  20. xspace

    xspace New Member

    This is really OUTSTANDING...

    VERY NICE! :D :D