And so the build begins....

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by Belgaram, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    I think I'll just wait for the RPW.... It's not like it's required for the build.... Rather wait for the quality.
  2. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Good idea

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
  3. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    Build starts Sunday
  4. Sinestra

    Sinestra Well-Known Member

    fucking right im excited about your build man. Im going to watch what you do because once my warranty is gone im going to seriously think about doing one as well.
  5. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

    Keep us posted!

    Sent from my Droid
  6. Evostation4

    Evostation4 Well-Known Member

    Same, all thats holding me back on any build i'm dreaming up is that damn warranty. Not that i'm complaining or anything. I'm surprised i'm still covered with all the crap i've done so far to it, lol. The local Mitsu dealer mechanic loves when I bring my car in for service.
    Don't forget those pics on progress!
  7. bakwoods

    bakwoods Guest

    Sounds exciting. 2.4L built up. Yeah whatever you do with the tranny will be very interesting for me to see. If your real specific about getting the tranny built. I'd recommend getting the spline regrinded (reground?) and getting the torque converter beefed with a higher stall point so that you can really apply that power to the wheels. There's quite a few places in TX that do that kind of thing and they are really inexpensive if you send em your stuff. Alternatively buy a spare trans and have it shipped to them, and have them and then to you after. All in all this sounds like a very solid build and I'd love to see the progress as it goes.
  8. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    Update: Stalled AGAIN! Damn distributor sent the right Cams this time but the wrong Lobes. So my tuner sent the cams back for the second time. I hope they take care of him since they screwed the order up twice now. The pulley will be here in 2 weeks now not 2 months. Damn Aussies! However.. Got the tint done today and 20% looks SICK against the rotor glow (now I'm kinda wishin I'd done 5% hehe). I bought the spray adhesive for the carbon fiber vinyl. Fuggin adhesive is expensive!!! Ordered the Carbon Fiber vinyl. Ordering the eyelids probably next friday. Soon as I get some nice weather, I am going to clean the black off of the bumper to prep it for the CF.
  9. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    The reason they have been sending the wrong lobes wasn't in error. It was because Brian Crower cams have an issue... Apparently, the 4B11T lobes are causing detonation and the cam sensor is breaking, which throws off the timing and breaks motors... My tuner Ray has been talking with them and they are working on a fix for this. This is probably the reason no one has heard anything about this, or what has been happening to other similar builds that no one hears about (better we caught this now) So... They are going to port and polish, do the pulley and the rest of the build minus the cams for now. I am taking the car to them tomorrow to do the cosmetic stuff ( rims, engine cover, etc.) then within a week or so when the pulley gets in from Australia, we will get started on the rest of the build. We want to at least get started on the cosmetics while we wait.

    Sucks.. Not the news I wanted to hear. But at the same time, I am glad that at least my guys are smart enough to find out why they are sending the wrong lobes, rather than just doing the build and have carnage later.
  10. bakwoods

    bakwoods Guest

    Sounds sexy. Any progress pics?
  11. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    I'll post some pics with the tint today when I drop it off at the tuners. I'll also get some pics of the parts he has ready.
  12. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    Build is goin on as I type this....
    He hasn't sent any pics yet because he is going to email me when hes done... But he did send 1...
    Trans Cooler


    Attached Files:

  13. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member



    Stage 1 paint:


    Attached Files:

  14. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... Just got a call from my tuner.. He is on his way to pick up a new radiator because for some unknown reason, the radiator is leaking from inside the core. There is no punctures on the outside. No fins are damaged. A small leak just started slowly dripping and he has no idea why. I'm guessing when he or someone was putting in the Trans cooler, they pierced it with something. I guess it's all part of Murphy's Law.
  15. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member


    Wheels and Tint:



    Trans cooler and Radiator:



    Tactrix Cable:

  16. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    you plan on going on a dyno when this is complete?
  17. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    Yessir... Dyno and 1/4 mile tests

    Tuner was up all night last night re writing the tune again. The version or whatever he was getting was different than what stock was suppose to be... So he thinks someone messed with the ECU before I had it. So the map he wrote wasn't working to his standard. The barometric pressure was only 10.3 and he wanted it to be 11 or something.. I have no Idea what the hell he was talking about... I just say mmhmm... Ok... mmmhmmm... wow ok...
  18. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    Posted updated pics in my progress report. Coming along well! My throttle body was ported and the butterflies were slotted so they open a true 180 degrees. Carbon fiber front, black rims, ECU tune, RPW crank pulley, debadged, tinted 20%. Still have alot to do tho.
  19. bakwoods

    bakwoods Guest

    Barometric 10.3? Your probably referring to manifold vacuum, or engine vaccuum in an internal combustion engine is the difference in air pressure between the engine's intake manifold and the earth's pressure. It's all based on the movement of the pistons on the induction stroke of things additionally through the throttle body. It is a measure of the amount of restriction of airflow through the engine. In lamens terms. He was probably getting his readings off the ECU which gets it from the MAF/MAP sensor. Depending on what you've done. I can't remember if the 2.4 is MAP or MAF based. Personally I would rather have MAP because it makes things a lot easier especially when running boost.

    Sorry for all the technical mumbo jumbo. I've a nerd when it comes to engine dynamics even though I've never worked in a shop nor am I ASE certified. The power of reading stuff online really does make you smarter :)
  20. Sinestra

    Sinestra Well-Known Member

    Coming along great man im glad to see everything going so smoothly