cold air means more power too ... which is why when i get my lancer, i refuse to buy an SRI, CAI all the way =)
Anything you do to make the engine work easier will increase mileage, not necessarily a big difference but it will increase mileage. Of course, like everyone else has said, driving style definitely affects this. Think of it as your engine trying to breath through a straw, the engine has to work much harder, increase airflow and you would have more mpg, depending on driving style.
i avg 26 mpg's per tank mixed city/ hwy which is OK, but my buddy's 07' 4 cyl Camry gets about 32 mixed =[. i was also wondering about this topic id like to increase my mpg's also.
i get like 18mpg of normal driving and like 23-25 supper slow keepin it under 2k driving... does that seem about right?